"Take a hint"

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Alternate Deku barely putting up with Alternate Kacchan's shit

Kacchan's POV

Okay. What the fuck did I just see? A nice me, and a Deku who cusses a lot and acts like a worse version of me, if that's even humanly possible.

Yeah, I acknowledge the fact that I act like a douchebag a bit. Okay, more than a bit. Fine, often. ALRIGHT I ACT LIKE A DOUCHE 24/7 OKAY?! Shut the fuck up..

Back to our polar opposites..


Deku has a fucking quirk?! And my quirk is of course amazing as ever, but, DEKU HAS A FUCKING QUIRK?!

He's been quirkless all his life, until fucking All Might showed up and gave him one.

So why the fuck does he have one? Could It be something that happened? Cause the timeline altering shouldn't have messed with his genetics, and if it did then he should have one right now too. Both of them should. It just doesn't sound-

Deku hit me on the shoulder, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Deku! What the fuck did you do that f-"

"SHHH!!" He yanked me to a nearby janitors closet and stuffed  us in there. For it being a closet that's supposed to hold a lot of equipment, it was pretty small. And it didn't have a lot of shit in it like a usual janitors closet should. Just a broom, a mop, a bucket, and a literally crusty brown towel. Handy.

"We were coming" Deku whispered. I nodded and opened the door a crack and looked out, spotting purple haired Deku and weird me walking in through the door.

"Wow, Izu!! That was amazing!" Weird me yelled as him and alternate Deku walked back inside. "Yeah, cool. I don't really care." Deku answered. A few of the people also walking in gave him weird looks, and he returned them. "What the fuck do you think you're looking at, you bunch of idiots?" Mean Deku asked angrily. Nice me rushed over to the students and put a smile on his face. "He doesn't mean that! Carry on with your.. talking?" He nervously laughed and pulled Deku back a bit. "Izu, please don't be all meanie pants to our classmates. Please. We don't need to have a sucky 3 years here. We really don't."

"What the fuck ever. You're the nice one, you'd be liked. Just not me. And I don't really fucking care. They're all just a bunch of stupid idiots, and I know this by just looking at them. You'd fit in fine, make people smile, and laugh and shit. If I did continue, you wouldn't be dragged down with me. So shut the fuck up about all that we shit. There is no we. There hasn't been an actual we since 3rd grade." Deku snapped at him. Alternate me looked a bit hurt, his everlasting smile faltering a bit. But, he regained his full smile and tilted his head. "Izu. Stop it. I don't even remember what happened, but you used to be so nice to everyone. You even publicly announced that you loved me! There is a we, of course there's a we! We're best friends, aren't we Izu?" He asked. Deku bit his lip.

"Yeah.. We are. Dammit, I hate having a soft spot for you." He crossed his arms. Nice me took him into his arms. "I lovee youuu, Izuuu" He cooed. Deku didn't hug him back. "I love you too.." He muttered. "Yay! I got my bestie back! Maybe not the same one as back then, but, it's still you!" He pulled away and smiled even brighter. 

"Yep. I'm here. I'll always be here... You big idiot.." Deku muttered.

Heh. We're cute even in this timeline. I wonder if they're dating or some shit. Maybe not, since they said they were best friends.

Weird me kissed the top of Deku's head. Wait. What the fuck????

Deku blushed a bit and punched him in the shoulder, hard. Alternate me stepped back and held his shoulder.

"DON'T FUCKING KISS ME YOU BIG OAF! WE'RE NOT FUCKING DATING SO DON'T TOUCH ME!" Deku fumed, my Deku's eyes widening at his opposite's sudden outburst.


"You?! You what, Katsuki?? Love me? Too bad! I would NEVER date you. Well, that's a lie. I'll tell you what." He smirked "I'll date you when hell freezes over!" His smirk faded into a scowl. He walked away with his arms crossed.

Nice me looked hurt, but his smile reappeared as bright as ever. "Wait up, Izu!!" He ran after him.

"Take a hint, me.." I whispered to myself while Deku silently laughed a bit. I hit him in the shoulder and he stopped and pouted.

I felt a bit bad so I leaned down and kissed his pink lips, which, of course, made him happy real quick.


3rd Person POV

Izuku and Katsuki walked down and the hall. Well, Izuku walked and Katsuki ran after him.

"Izu! Please wait, I'm tired!" Katsuki panted. But Izuku continued on and out of the school. "Are you seriously going to spend your first lunch here outside? It's cold!!" Katsuki shivered.

"Yeah, well no one invited you to follow me. So you can just yo if it's too cold for you." Izuku growled, though he too was shivering.

It was a pale white everywhere outside. The ground was filled with bunches of snow placed in large heaps cleared by the janitor. The air around them was littered with tiny, white flecks. And the sky was a pale, whitish blue.

"I still came. I invited myself!" Katsuki smiled through chattering teeth. Izuku placed his back against the school wall and kicked one foot up. Katsuki sighed and joined him next to the wall.

"Drop the tough guy act for a bit."

"Only if you drop the whole nice guy thing." Izuku countered



Katsuki sighed again, colored air coming out of his mouth as he breathed. "What happened with you? You used to be so... happy! You had always wanted to go to this school, but now that you're here.. I don't know.. It's like you don't want to be here." He slapped his hands against his thighs.

"Because I don't! In case you don't remember, it's your fault I'm here in the first place!" Izuku yelled while poking a finger in his chest.

"Yeah, and you never even thanked me, by the way!" Katsuki yelled back.

"Why should I?! I never wanted to go here!"

"Liar! You have always wanted to go here!!"

"Used to! Until I got told time, and time again that I was NOTHING! You never noticed the bruises or the black eyes, did you?!" Izuku asked, getting even  closer to him. Katsuki was at a loss for words. "Thought so! They beat me up every single day. Called me their 'play thing'. You wanted a reason why I'm this way, well here you fucking go! That's why!" Izuku yelled at him, inches from his face.

"I couldn't beat them." Izuku's voice cracked. "I couldn't stop them from hurting me, they said if I even told anyone they would k-kill you and.. I.. Look at me being fucking sentimental and shit." He wiped an eye.

Izuku sighed, biting his lip. "I'm sorry." He leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry." He shook his head and left Katsuki on the wall touching his cheek. He walked into the school, and almost fought a kid when he asked if he was okay.

"I'm sorry too, Izu. I couldn't help you." Katsuki murmured and walked inside, rid of his usual bright smile. "But I love you. So I'll keep smiling." He put on a smile. "For you."

Yay!! I finished it!!

Mostly kind of a filler but eh

Good enough!!

Hope you enjoyed!! And OMG ALMOST 20K THANK YOU SO MUCHHH



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