"Lighten up, Izu!!"

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Kacchan's POV

I watched until I couldn't take it anymore. I can't just let this friendship break because of his- my stupid actions. I walked over to little me and grabbed his arm. I went over to Ms. Hana and explained that I would be taking him for the day.

"Yeah, I'm his cousin. See, we look alike." I moved a hand between mine and young me's faces, indicating we looked similar. "Uh, yes. Mr..?" She asked. I quickly said the first name I thought of. "Kachin." I answered. She simply nodded. "Mr. Kachin, I just need you to sign here." She gave me a clipboard with a "Sign Out Sheet" clipped onto it. I signed it and gave it to her. "Also, my friend Demian will be taking Izuku Midoriya. He's his cousin and our aunts are friends and they wanted us to bring the boys over." I explained, putting two hands on either of baby me's shoulders.

She nodded and I waved Deku over, and baby me told baby him to come to Ms. Hana's desk. Deku signed the papers and we got the fuck outta there.

"You're our cousins?" Both of them asked as we got outside. We looked at each other and shook our heads. "No we're not." I explained. They both looked a little frightened. "We're not your cousins, because we are you. From the future." Deku intervened.

"Future." Baby me said. "Like, time travel?" 

We nodded.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugou, and this here is Izuku Midoriya." I put a hand on Deku's shoulder. His name felt foreign to my mouth, I haven't said it since we were.. Well.. These kids' age. 

Baby Deku nodded, but baby me looked skeptical. Of fucking course. "If you are really us, then what does Izuku call me?" Baby me asked with his arms crossed. 

"Kacchan." Both of us answered, but baby me still wasn't convinced. Baby Deku was looking up at us with astonishment, however. "Too easy, you could've heard us. Who's our favorite hero?"

"All Might." We answered.

"Still too easy, everyone's favorite hero is All Might. Hmm.. What did I give Izu for his 4th birthday?" He asked.

"Easy! An All Might action figure!" Deku answered, but baby me shook his head.

"Nothing." I answered. "Mom bought him the action figure because you-.. we forgot to pick out a present."

Baby me's face lit up with a smile. "FUTURE ME!!!!" He jumped and hugged me, both Deku's smiling. "So, do we get marriaged in the future?" Kacchan asked me while the Deku's talked. "We do, but Izu doesn't know that. It's a surprise that future us came up with, so we can't tell them, okay?" He nodded. "But, what are you here for?" Baby me asked. I sighed and bent down to their level. "A villain put us here. But were here with you guys because.. something happened." Both Deku's turned to look at me. "I was terrible to Izu in middle school, and Kacchan. I need to you promise me that you won't ever leave Izuku no matter what. Even if you think he's your weakness, don't leave him. You love him. Don't leave him, and things will be better." I stood up. 

Everyone looked shocked. I put an arm around Deku.

"You guys are better now, right?" They both asked. To answer their question, I leaned over and kissed him on the lips for a second, then pulled away. Both of their mouths were open and Deku looked like a tomato. "We're better, but we would be even better if you promised me that you will never let him go."

Baby me hugged baby Deku tightly. "I'll never let you go, Izu! I promise!!!!" They both held each other, Deku and I slowly walking towards the blue orb. "You think things will be better?" I asked.

"Only one way to find out."

And we both touched the orb.


We fell down in front of U.A, a large amount of backpacks breaking our fall. None of the students seemed to notice, however. Through the crowd I saw dunce head, shitty hair, raccoon eyes, and soy sauce face. Then me. And. Deku. Walking. Together. And. Talking.

He did it.

They did it.

3rd Person POV

"Yes! We're finally at U.A!! Isn't it great, Izu??" Past Katsuki asked his dark, greenette friend.

"Yeah. Great." Past Izuku mumbled sticking his hands in his black jacket.

Noticed the personality change?

Let me tell you what happened.

Remember that one day that Katsuki got beat up because of Izuku? Well since Katsuki didn't leave him, one guy held him while the others beat up Izuku.

That day scarred him, and now he's like Katsuki, and Katsuki is like him. Katsuki became scarred in a way that made him want to protect everyone and be nice to them.

And thus, here they are.

"Cmon, lighten up, Izu!!" Katsuki wrapped an arm around his friends shoulder. "We're at U.A! The school of our dreams! Remember when we thought you were quirkless? Man were we wrong!"

In the unaltered timeline, Izuku didnt have a quirk because stress caused his body to delay his quirk. And when he went to the quirk specialist, the doctor stole it.

In this timeline, after he got beat up, he worked to get his quirk. And, he did. He's able to control fire, breath it, and mold it.

"Yeah." Izuku answered, very uninterested.

"Cmon, First Day of School Selfie!!" Katsuki pulled out his phone and took a picture of the both of them, not seeing the other versions of them staring in awe.


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Possibly a cliffhanger chapter depending on if I get grounded tomorrow!

Hope you enjoyed!~

Words: 934


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