"Speaking of love.."

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Deku's POV

"No, Kacchan. I l-like you.."

His eyes shot up to look into mine. "You... w-what?" He sniffed.

I sighed, gathering up some courage. I lifted his chin up and...
I kissed him.

We kissed for a few moments until Kacchan apparently needed to breath.

"Wow.." He sighed. "Wow indeed." I said and looked at Kacchan, who's eyes were just as wide as mine.

"What now?" He asked me, to which I just shrugged. "We could go to a Café?" I suggested.

He nodded and got up, wiping what little tears he had left on his face. He missed a single tear, slowly falling down the curve of his cheek. I wiped it away, caressing his cheek in the process.

He blushed a deep red, and I was honestly surprised, but I smiled at him, to which he smiled back.

Kacchan intertwined his fingers with mine and looked straight ahead. I tilted my head down to our interlocked hands and blushed almost as deep as Kacchan.


We soon made it to the Cafe, where a young blue haired waitress came over to the booth we were seated in. I and Kacchan were holding hands along the left side of the table.

"Hello, sirs!" The waitress chirped. "I'm Nala and I'll be taking your- Wait... Izuku Midoriya???" Nala questioned.

"What's it to ya, blue hair?" Kacchan spoke up first somewhat angrily, to which I gave him an 'what the fudge, Kacchan?' look.

"Yes, I'm Izuku.. But uh.. How do you know me?.." I asked.

"Oh! I saw you on TV!! You lost to that half and half kid, right?" I nodded. "And I'm also a new transfer to class 1-A, from Shiketsu High." She told me, forgetting all about taking our order.

"Wow, really? Thats a really good school, we went against them to get our provisional licenses last year, remember, Kacchan?" I turned to Kacchan who, across from me, what tapping his finfrs on the table angrily with a scowl on his handsome features.

"Yeah, yeah. Amazing school. Tch.." He scoffed. "Our suckish class is still better than her's I bet.." Kachan said, causing Nala to look very uncomfortable.

"Uh.. W-What did you say you guys wanted.. To drink..?" She forced a smile.

"We didn't say shit. You we're too busy talking to my- talking to Deku." He snapped. I obviously caught the 'my' part, I thought it was adorable that Kacchan was so protective of me. But we're not even dating yet!..

"Oh.. Uh.. I'll.. Um.. I'll.." She started.

"You'll uh you'll uh what, bitch?" Kacchan said angrily at her.

She turned around her eyes line with tears.

"What the heck, Kacchan?!" I said angrily at him, to which he just shrugged.

"She was annoying. You're welcome." He sulked in his seat, a hurt and angry look on his face.

I sighed. "Kacchan.." I squeezed his hand. He looked up and into my eyes. "Don't be jealous." I told him.

"Tch.. Nerd." He scoffed.

Across the cafe, some man was on one knee proposing to some woman. Though I didn't know who they were, I still "Awww" ed.

"Speaking of love.." Kachan started. I perked up. "What... What are.. We gonna do?" He asked me.

I thought for a moment. "Not tell anyone, obviously. I'm not ready to tell anyone anything." I said. He nodded sadly.

The whole Café clapped for the young couple, except for Nala whom had just come in from outside.

"Tch.. Let's go.." Kacchan scoffed grabbing my arm. And then we went home.



I walked into class, greeted by Uraraka. "Hey!! Deku!" Uraraka chirped as she walked over, closely followed by Tsu.

"Ura, Tsu." I greeted them with a smile. We all walked to our desks.
As I sat down, I caught Kacchans eye. He nodded his head at me then turned around. I sighed because I knew exactly what that meant. 'I'm not gonna tell anyone. But just know, this hurts'. Either that or 'Sup'...

I sighed and sulked down into my seat, only perking up when I saw a certain blue haired girl walking into the classroom. Nala!!

She waved and ran over to me, taking the seat on my right.

We talked for a bit until Kirishima came into the class.

"Has any... One.. Seen Denki?"

Kirishima POV

"Has any... One.. Seen Denki?" I said completely out of breath, my hands on his knees. He's been avoiding my calls, texts and everything since Saturday. I'm pretty worried about him..

No one in the class gave me the answer I was looking for, so I sat down in my usual seat next to Sero.

"Missing your hubby, bro?" Sero asked, his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah.. A lot.." I sighed, putting my head down on my desk. Zero patted my back softly a few times then retracted his hand.

"Kami? What's up bro???" Zero asked worriedly.


I looked up from my place on the desk and saw Denki with test streaks on his cheeks and puffy red eyes. I ran up to him, but he walked around me, avoiding eye contact. What the hell??

He sat on the other side of Sero. Sero, who was currently trying to calm the stuttering, sobbing Denki down, had a weird expression on his face.

What's going on..

Kacchan's POV

I stared at Deku and that Nala whatever girl talking. Then I head something that made my blood boil.

"Izuku.. Will you.. Will you go out with me?" Blue haired shit for brains asked Deku. MY DEKU.

I was fed up. I got up, pulled Deku out of his seat, walked to the front of the class, and kissed the fuck out of that boy. Deku melted into the kiss quickly, and through the kiss I barely heard the gasps of our dumbass classmates. I definitely heard a few extras fangirling and when I broke the kiss, I saw it was acid girl, frog lady, round face and.. Fucking Sero..

"What the fuck are you staring at? Yeah I see ya blue hair. Fuck off." I spat at everyone, who quickly looked at their shoes. I nodded and walked back to my desk, leaving Deku in awe at the front of the classroom. He opened his mouth and put a finger up as to say something, but quickly put it down and closed his mouth.

Blushing madly, he went back to his desk and stared forward.

Apparently eraser man was there the whole time cus he finally spoke up.

"If you boys are done sucking faces, crying, blushing, and talking. I'd like to start the lesson..." He kept talking but I care as much for the lesson as I cared for fucking blue hair.

Ahh.. I love my life.

Here's the fillerish chapter before the ANGST comes and kills us all!!

Thanks to yourlieinapril1 for helping out with this chapter and other chapters before. In other words she gave me ideas and I made it into a chapter. She's my AMAZING collab partner, best friend and bro, so like go follow her!

Words: 1134


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