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joy smiled at Wheein's newfound boldness and quickly got into the car, eagerly starting up a conversation "so what do you have in mind, as far as actual food?"

Wheein thought to herself before quickly answering. “I was looking forward to sushi with you earlier so let’s just get that for dinner instead” she smiled as she put in her seatbelt and sat back.

joy smiled and wasted no time driving to the nearest sushi restaurant, making comfortable small talk to Wheein the entire way. parking her car in the lot, joy turned to the other. "would you mind eating inside or would you like to take it to go?" joy ask hoping they'd ear inside to have an intimate dinner.

Wheein looked back at Joy “let’s eat inside together, just me and you~” she smiled softly before getting out of the car along with the other. Taking a hold of her hand and walking in with her.

joy's entire body felt warm as Wheein took the initiative to grab her hand first. being away from school she felt so free to hold Wheein's hand and she felt as if everyone in the small secluded sushi restaurant could feel the happiness radiating off her in waves. they pair were directed to a small booth in the back. joy sat across from joy and began looking at the menu "tempura makes me sick"

Wheein looked down at a menu as well. “Then don’t get it silly” she giggled softly before deciding on what to eat. “mmm those spicy shrimp rolls look good~” that was one of her favorite things to order. The waitress soon came to check on them, Wheein ordered her food and set the menu down.

joy chuckled and ordered a Baja roll. she handed the waitress their menus and grabbed Wheein's hands and held them over the table, in a daze she stared into her eyes. "I can't believe you actually like me, I've been waiting so long to tell you"

Wheein chuckled once again after hearing this. “It’s only been a few days, I’m glad even though I just moved here I have someone like you to look forward to” she rubbed Joy’s hand with her thumb in that same soothing way.

"forget about Ryan, come with me, stay with me" joy said while closing her eyes, feeling at ease from joy's comforting touch. she took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm going to leave him for you. yes, we planned to go out of state for college together and get married but I don't feel the same passion for him as I do for you. when we hang out, I have to physically restrain myself from kissing you, with him it feels like a chore showing him affection. joy spoke as if it were Monica sitting before her, pouring out her feelings.

Wheein slowly let go of Joy’s hands and brought them back to her side. “I-I don’t know what’s going on right now... me and you have only hung out a few times... is everything alright?” She felt uncomfortable now, it didn’t feel like Joy was talking about her anymore. This brought her deep worry.

with her eyes closed joy could still sense Wheein's discomfort. what had the been rambling on about? she shook her head subtly and popped her eyes back open, smiling widely at Wheein. "that's my part for the play! I replaced the character's name with Ryan's to see if I could make it believable." she pouted her lips and wiggled her eyebrows, dancing a bit in her seat. "maybe I should be an actress"

Wheein whined and pushed at Joy’s shoulder “ah!! Don’t do stuff like that.. I get worried easily..” she pouted but soon her eyes lit up as she saw a tray of food arriving at their table. The waitress set down their food and Wheein busted out her signature smile and completely forgot about what just happened, the food excited her too much.

I feeling of coldness ran through joy as she watched Wheein take the food. for merely a second or two, she looked at Wheein with the same hatred she looked at Monica the night of the accident. quickly covering it up, she smiles and began eating, taking a bite out of the sushi roll. "mhmm this is definitely heaven" she closed her eyes and moaned softly, genuinely enjoying the spicy food. she looked to Wheein and was pleased to see she was also enjoying it.

Wheein was very happy with the food in front of her, she finished the plate quickly. Sitting back in her seat and reaching over to the table behind them, it was empty but not cleaned completely up. Some fruity alcoholic drink was sitting on the table so she snatched it and chugged it down. She set it back on the table behind them roughly and stared back into Joy’s eyes. Almost a slight glare. She wiped her mouth before speaking in a relaxed but stern tone “you do really like me right? Come back to my house after this. Prove it.” For some reason all the odd moments of her being called Monica and the one that just happened tested her slightly.

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