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Wheein heard it again. She heard the name Monica. It broke her heart slightly, why was she doing this? She sighed as any sign of her being happy faded. She actually liked Joy. She actually felt something for her and it worried her that anytime she got affection from the other she got called that name. “stop it. call me my name. call me Wheein, I don’t know who Monica is but please... stop calling me that name.” She turned away and got back into the car. Crossing her arms and waiting to leave.

joy quickly realized the mistake that she had made. she hurried into the car to behind covering up her slip up. "I call you that because I thought I read that as your middle name on your schedule." she forced a smile and continued. "I thought it would clever and witty. I'm sorry wheein". she kept smiling hoping Wheein wouldn't see past her cover-up, see the disparity in her eyes.

Wheein sighed and looked out the window away from her. Regretting the fact that they kissed. “It’s whatever I don’t care anymore. Take me back to school.” She kept her arms crossed tightly and still had that upset expression.

joy pouted and sat up on her knees facing Wheein. "don't be mad at me babe. it was a simple mistake. what is your middle name if it isn't Monica"

Wheein liked being called babe, it made her less upset so she turned around and faced Joy but still had the same expression on her face. “Jung. My full name is Jung Whee-in.” Saying so as she made deep eye contact with the other.

joy sighed internally haven gotten through to Wheein. she looked back into her eyes and flashed her signature half smile. "can I have another kiss, Jung whee-in" she said, her voice low and smooth like velvet, adding emphasis on each syllable of her name to show she understood that her name was in fact not Monica

Wheein broke slightly and smirked. Uncrossing her arms and leaning forward, placing another soft kiss on Joy’s lips. A line of blush appeared across her nose and cheeks as she sat back in her seat. Laying her head against the seat and looking back at the other.

joy smirks and clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, settling back into the drivers seat. she spoke slowly as she started the car up "you are sexy when you think you're mad at me"

Wheein blushed harder, still looking back at Joy. “you’re just... sexy all the time-“ she covered her mouth and giggled cutely under her hands as she realized what she had just said. Maybe it was because she was high or maybe it was just her thoughts spilling out of her.

joy grinned and reached over grabbing the flustered girl's thigh and squeezing it firmly. she checked the time on her phone seeing lunch time was coming to an end. "we don't have time for food, babe. I'll make it up to you after school, okay" she glanced over at Wheein feeling slightly superior in a satisfying way.

Wheein nodded and placed her hand on top of Joy’s making her squeeze her a little harder before taking it off of her thigh and just holding it. the car finally left the bridge and headed back to their school. She was happy, even though this was technically just Joy cheated on her boyfriend it meant something to her.

joy smiled as the pair safely made it back to school. she got out of the car and went around to the passenger seat to open the car door for her new love interest. as Wheein got out of the car joy quickly pecked her lips goodbye and told the other she had to run I'm order to make it to her class and to call if she needed anything. she did have class, however, not any class she had to be in a rush to get to. truth was, joy had to run to the bathroom. once safe in the stall, she pulled from her bag a small case filled with prescription pain killers. taking one down with no water, she sat on the toilet and began looking through her phone messages. first she answered Ryan's usual and only text seeing is she was okay. after dealing with what felt like an obligation, she began going through her old messages with Monica. she looked at the last message she sent to Monica before she died, "listen, I know you're sleeping with Ryan and I don't care. I'm in love with you, just be with me"

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