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Wheein’s cheeks turned that same rosy red as when they were in the bathroom together. She smiled softly and tucked her hair behind her ear. Looking forward at the cars in front of them “it’s okay... I um... I feel the same..” she looked down now. Nervous this was some kind of joke.

smiling, joy drove foward coming to a stop once they were on the bridge that cross the lake. she stopped the car in the center of the bridge and got out. walking over to the edge, the once again dazed girl looked over to Wheein and mouthed, "come on monica" while beckoning her over.

Wheein’s smile faded as she got called Monica again. She didn’t understand why she kept getting called that but she got out of the car and walked over to Joy and stood next to her. “Is everything alright you keep calling me Monica?”

joy grabbed the others hand and took a step towards her to close the space between them. she interlaced the fingers of the hand she was holding and used her free hand to reach up and twirl a strand of Wheein's hair around her index finger. listening to the sounds of cars and the birds below put her at ease. she leaned in towards Wheein and quickly scanned her face for any signs of hesitation.

Wheein was still blushing. She didn’t hesitate, she was just calm and relaxed. It was probably all the weed kicking in but she felt safe there even after everything that happened in the car. That usual smile appeared on her face but just looked a little more gentle due to the fact that they were so close to each other.

joy saw nothing indicating that Wheein didn't want this. she tilted her head slightly to the side and leaned in the rest of the way. as she softly pressed her lips against Wheein's, she felt herself light up inside.

Wheein held onto Joys hand firmly as she kissed her back. Feeling slight butterflies in her stomach. Her eyes closed as their lips gently pressed together. She tilted her head back and let go of her hand. “you have a boyfriend... you already have him I’m not even an upgrade, don’t make a mistake...” she pulled away and slowly walked back to the car.

joy frowned and looked at Wheein feeling anger build up. she walked up behind her and grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around and pushing her back against the car door. "he cheats on me. he cheats on me and I don't say anything." her voice coming out scared and hurried just as it during lunch. "he knows something is going on between us and he doesn't care. he doesn't care. he cheats on me" her eyes were wide with fear and she desperately searched Wheein's face.

Wheein placed two gentle hands on Joy’s cheeks. Kissing her passionately before pulling her into a warm hug. “It’s okay... he’s an idiot... I don’t want you to just like me to get back at him... t-that’s just not fair to me” she rubbed the others back in a soothing way.

feeling Wheein's lips again seemed to   have curative powers. joy momentarily forgot about the horrible events that unfolded during the summer. as Wheein rubbed her back she relaxed into the girl's soft embrace and inhales deeply, getting a strong whiff of her perfume. she whispered, barely audible to Wheein. "I love you Monica" she pulled away from the warm embrace and smiled weakly.

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