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Wheein did her usual. Wake up, get ready and head out but she noticed a note stuck to her bike. She read it carefully and wondered who it could be from. Pulling her phone out and seeing the time she hopped on her bike and rode over to the oak tree. Waiting patiently.

joy shot out of bed hearing her alarm. she looked around and couldn't believe the sight I'm front of her. her entire room layed in ruins but she had no memory of doing it. she checked the time and noticed also noticed she was fully naked. slightly panicked, she hurried and got dressed, driving to school with hurried recklessness. it was when she parked her car that she realized she'd told Wheein to meet her under the tree. she quickly checked her surroundings and scurried over to the tree, greeting Wheein with a forced positive attitude , handing her a cup of coffee that was intended for her. "good morning beautiful"

Wheein smiled, this gesture genuinely made her happy. “Thank you..” she took the coffee. Feeling bad about how she treated Joy yesterday. “Hey... I’m sorry for being kinda bitchy to you yesterday. You helped me out a lot so I should be thanking you.” She pulled Joy into a warm hug.

she hugged joy, pulling her closer. she took a deep breath and smelt a familiar scent. joy nuzzled her face in the unknowing girl's neck to get a better smell. she realized exactly what the smell was; the perfume Monica wore. shaking her head slightly, she blinked a few times and pulled away from the hug smiling warmly at Wheein. "let's go somewhere for lunch today monica"

Wheein smiled back but was confused after being called an incorrect name. “I’m down for lunch but um...who’s Monica?” She asked with a slight unknowing laugh.

joy gave Wheein a quick peck on the cheek and smiled brightly "don't make me wait too long. we'll take my car today okay." she hurried off to her class and sat at the front, center of the row and excitedly listened to the lecture that seemed to not last nearly long enough.

Wheein sighed with a smile and shook her head. She rubbed her cheek a little confused but happy that she might have really made a new friend. She followed Joy soon after to first period which they had together. Once the bell rang and class ended she quickly picked up her bag and walked out. Greeted by Amber “Hey!” She waved with a bright smile. They talked quickly but soon went off on their own ways to class. Maybe today would be better.

it was nearly lunch when joy felt her stomach drop. another day without her best friend was another day she didn't want to live in. again, she found herself in the bathroom alone crying, this time while looking in the mirror at the huge scar that lined her side where her broken ribs had tore through her skin during the accident that took Monica from her. repeated the previous day's activites, joy ended up back in her car, smoking and screaming the lyrics to the songs she once disliked. though, today, it made her feel better. she checked the time and hurried back in for lunch. again, choosing the back table with Ryan.

Wheein headed out of her class and walked with Amber and her friends to the lunch room. She saw Joy and smile softly. Heading over to her “Hey, we still going to lunch?” She asked curiously. Looking down at her and her boyfriend, waving at him.

joy looked up at Wheein, her face twisted in confusion. " who said we're getting lunch?" joy asked. she didn't recall every inviting her to lunch. lunch was reserved for her closest friends, Ryan and Monica

Wheein furrowed her eyebrows I’m confusion. “I could’ve sworn- never mind.. my bad I’ll leave you guys alone..” she walked off still confused. Earlier Joy did invite her to lunch, she also remembered being called Monica and getting an odd kiss on the cheek. Was she losing her mind? Either way she tried to brush it off and sat down with Amber. She didn’t have money for lunch today so she just sat and talked.

as Wheein walked past the table joy suddenly realized tgat she had invited Wheein out to lunch. quickly, she grabbed her things and ran over to the table where Wheein sat with Amber. ignoring amber's presence completely you stood before Wheein. "I'm sorry babe. I totally forgot for a second. how do you like sushi?" she spoke in a rushed manner as if she couldn't get the words out fast enough, looking at Wheein hoping she'd forgive her small slip up.

Amber rolled her eyes and stabbed at her chicken “you already ditched her SHES NOT INTERES-“ Wheein laughed nervously and covered the others mouth with her hand quickly. She nodded “sorry about her... sushi’s fine.” A gentle smile appeared on her face as she stood up and put on her backpack. Her stomach growling slightly.

a low growl escaped joy's throat as she looked at Amber coldly. staring her down for a few seconds before realizing Wheein was ready to go. she grabbed Wheein's hand just like before and let her out of the cafeteria and two her car, flashing her a small smile before unlocking the car doors and sitting in it.

Wheein sat down and got comfortable in the others car. As she put her seat belt on she wafted the slight smell of weed. She could recognize that scent anywhere, her and her old friends smoked all the time. “hey Joy? Do you smoke weed?” She asked curiously in a friendly tone.

joy chuckled and started the car, roughly pulling back on the gear shift to put the car in reverse, looking in her rearview window as she jerked the car out of the parking space. throwing the car in drive she looked at Wheein with a devious grin. "look in the glove compartment" she said before slammed down on the gas, dangerously speeding out of the school's parking lot.

Wheein held onto the handle bar above the window as Joy sped through the parking lot. Reaching down and opening the glove compartment. She pulled out some weed and giggled. “Can I smoke some?” She asked with the same curiosity

they approached an open road and joy increased her pressure on the gas pedal, the car gradually going faster. looking over at Wheein she smirked and nodded. joy turned the radio to a heavy metal station and turned the volume as high as it could go, rolling the windows down. she let out a loud scream as she did the night before as she felt the wind going through her eyes. "DO YOU FEEL THAT BABY", she screamed to Wheein as she shut her eyes tightly closed

Wheein held onto the handle tighter. looking over at Joy “open your eyes!” She yelled out at the girl as she panicked slightly. Worrying about this lunch after all, wanting this car ride to be over. Since Joy said yes to her she decided to light an already rolled thing of weed. Smoking it with two fingers and blowing it out of the window to calm herself down.

joy pushed harder on the gas pedal, flooring it, barely hearing Wheein over the music. smelling the weed she blindly held her hand out for it. leaving the wheel unintended.

Wheein swatted Joys hand away and held onto the wheel for her. Luckily she’s been in a situation like this before so she kept the car steady “LOOK AT THE ROAD DO YOU WANT US TO FUCKING CRASH?!” She didn’t understand why the other was doing all of this.

joy snapped her eyes open just as they approached a busy intersection. she eased on the brakes, being careful not to stop the car too fast or else things would go horribly wrong. as the eased to a stop joy looked at Wheein and stared at her with a blank face for a few moments before bursting into laughter.

Wheein didn’t laugh in return. She continued to smoke and looked away from Joy. She was slightly annoyed that the other girl was even that out of her mind to try something like that. Though she was upset the weed kept her calm so it didn’t show as much. “Nice one..”

joy smiled looking at Wheein. "you're incredibly gorgeous, do you have a boyfriend back home?" joy turned at the light and began driving the rest of the way to the sushi place at a safe speed.

Wheein looked back at her and chuckled at this comment. “Nope, don’t worry though. You don’t have to lie and tell me I’m gorgeous.” She looked down and shook her head before blowing the weed out the window once again.

joy stopped at a red light and put the car in park. turning her body towards Wheein, she took a deep breath, deciding that she was ready to take the leap she'd been waiting for. speaking softly, she placed her hand on the relaxed girl's thigh. "we've been friends for a little bit now and I've been having these thought of..these thoughts of kissing you. listen I know it's wrong and I just thought you should know" she stared at Wheein's face to try to catch her reaction. her own heartbeat being felt through her chest as she anticipated the worse.

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