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Wheein was nervous but took Joys hand. "oh- I-I mean... okay" she didn't know what Joy had in mind but she trusted her.

eyes sharp as as razors, joy looked into amber's eyes as she guided Wheein up from the table. she picked up the compliant girl's food tray and disposed it, taking her hand in hers, interlacing their fingers as they walked out of the cafeteria. joy turned to Amber, mimicking the behavior of someone excited, though she was far from excited. "sorry about earlier. I couldn't find my calculus textbook and I was freaking out. My name is joy by the way"

Wheein kindly nodded. "Oh that's a pretty name. I'm Wheein. I hope you found your textbook" she gave a soft smile. Though she wasn't aware what this girl had in mind she still kept faith that it wasn't anything bad.

knowing Wheein wouldn't go against her, joy giggled and hurriedly pulled Wheein into a bathroom and into a stall, pushing Wheein to sit on the toilet. she locked the stall and looked down at Wheein and giggled softly before removing her jacket slowly, peeling it off her shoulders and placing it on the baffled girl's lap. next, she pulled her shirt over her head slowly and also gave it to Wheein. she turned away from her and pulled her sleek dark hair over one shoulder, looking back over her shoulder "fix my bra strap please?" she pouted slightly and batted her eyelashes

Wheein's cheeks turned dark red as she looked shyly away from Joy. "I-I don't think I can help with that..." she tried to get out of the stall "there are mirrors in the bathroom... I-I'm sure you can do it yourself..."

joy tipped her glasses down showing Wheein her red eyes. "I need help. don't make this a lesbo thing." She snorted and turned back away from the girl "if I were to come onto any girl, she'd have to have a better fashion sense than you"

Wheein had enough of this. Her day sucked so far and she didn't need anything else from this "Joy" girl. "God dammit just leave me alone!" She shoved Joy out of the way and opened the stall door. Quickly storming out of the bathroom and back to the lunch room. "What happened?" Amber said in a worried tone. Wheein ignored her friend and picked up her backpack. Leaving the lunch room and heading up to the one place she knew she'd be away from people. She went up a few sets of stairs and made it to the roof top of the school.

joy shrugged and grabbed her things from the floor and walked out of the stall and fixed her bra strap, ignoring the strange looks from the girls washing their hands at the sink, winking at one girl who looked at her for longer than needed. after getting dressed she exited the bathroom and checked her schedule. one more period until freedom, she thought to herself as momentum. the smoking from earlier made her reflexes slower than usual as she walked through the halls. every now and then she'd bump into someone and wave them off as they either apologized or excused themselves. in her daze she eventually made it to her class, scribbling song lyrics in her notebook for the duration of the period.

Wheein stayed up at the roof top for the duration of the school day. Wishing she never moved. It was her first day and some girl she barely knew already pulled something like that. She sat and watched the parking lot from above. Pulling out her phone and texting her old friends. They cheered her up a bit and told her it was going to be okay. The slight echo of the school bell rang through her ears so she stood up and walked back down. Leaving the building and heading over to the bike racks. She felt a hand tap her shoulder, it was Amber again. "What the hell happened back there?! Did Joy do something? I swear I'll do something. She doesn't scare me." All Wheein did was shake her head to signal a 'no'. She hopped on her bike and began to ride home.

joy barely heard the loud ringing of the bell but recognized the meaning of the class emptying as a sign that the school day was over. dashing to her car, joy hopped in and sped home. as she pulled into her driveway she recognized the girl on the bike heading to the recently sold home as Wheein from school. she had noticed earlier that week there were people moving in across the street but she paid them no mind. joy quickly parked her car and jogged over to Wheein before she could get off her bike. "I would be never thought you would be the new family moving in. welcome to the neighborhood"

Wheein looked over at Joy and gave a fake smile and a nod. "Thanks. It was reeeaal nice meeting you today." She said sarcastically as she got off her bike and locked it up. "see you tomorrow Joy." As she was walking off she mumbled something under her breath before opening her front door and closing it behind her. Locking it up. The girl hurried up to her bedroom and flopped down on her bed, kicking her shoes off and laying there relieved.

joy watched wheein walk away and disappear out of sight. not yet finished, joy reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and a pen. on the paper she wrote, "meet me under the oak tree at 8:45 tomorrow morning". she stuck the note in between the handle bars and headed back home where she showered, trying not to breakdown again. after showering
she exited the bathroom, fully nude and searched her room for a small box that held the key to the events that unfolded this summer. she ripped apart her bed and drawers looking for the box but could not find it. looking at her dismantled room, she stood at the center and let out a spine chilling scream when out of the corner of her eye, the emotionally disturbed girl noticed someone on the street looking up into her window. too enraged to care about her bareness she stalked over to the window only to find no one was there.

Wheein headed downstairs and gave her parents kisses hello. "Hey guys" she sat down and ate dinner with them. They asked how her day was and she just lied and said "fine". Once dinner was over and she had cleaned off her plate she headed back upstairs and took a shower. She put on a robe and laid down in bed. Putting on music and relaxing while she texted her friends. Luckily she didn't have any homework yet.

joy stared out the window silently, loosing track of time she stood there until the sun set. a knocking at her door snapped her out of her daze "joy, sweetie, I have your dinner" realizing the time, joy quickly wrapped herself in a towel and went to the door to greet her mother, taking her dinner and thanking her. she took a quick sniff of the plate and threw the plate in her trash. stepping over the clutter in her room, she layed in bed until her body eventually forced herself to sleep; her mind riddled with nightmares all night.

Wheein eventually changed into her pajamas and tucked herself into bed. Falling asleep soundly.

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