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Wheein happily went off to her next class. Taking a seat in the same place she sat yesterday. Noticing someone in that class she didn’t notice before, Ryan. It was quite unsettling being in the same room as him right after she just kissed his girlfriend. She kept her head low and ignored him but just to her luck her tapped on her shoulder “Hey, looks like I might be seeing more of you around since you and my girlfriend have been getting closer as friends.” Wheein nodded and gave a shaky smile “yep. Most likely hehe...” she brushed him off and looked back down at her work. Trying her best to refocus.

joy knew it was wrong but she needed something to help her sleep at night. remembering the symptoms of her younger brother's severe cold, she mimicked them as she called her primary care physician. "yes, I have a swelling tightness around my eyes and nose and I'm stopped up so bad that my chest hurts" she laughed to herself, the fake nasal congestion voice was almost too believable. "Dr. Wong prescribed me a certain cough medicine. I can't think of the name, give me one second"  she pretended to take a second to think of the name before finishing "I believe it was promethazine." after seeing that her doctor would put in the prescription, she hung up and left the bathroom. as she walked past classrooms she spotted Wheein and decided it would be cute if she sat with her. sliding in undetected by the teacher she took a seat next to Wheein and smiled. "look who's here"

Wheein heard a familiar voice and turned to see Joy sitting right next to her. This surprise made her smile very brightly, like the ball of sunshine she usually was. “oh my god-“ the smile didn’t fade as the teacher continued to write on the board. Soon as the class got loud again and many students began talking once more as the teacher was busy with something else, Wheein turned and faced Joy. “What are you doing here?” She asked calmly but in a happy manor.

joy had noticed Ryan when she came in and took advantage of the fact that he was too engaged in soccer conversation to realize she'd come in.  still, she double checked before leaning over and capturing Wheein's slips as she excitedly spoke.

Wheein was silenced by Joy kissing her and blushed softly. “thanks...” she said shyly. Turning and looking to Ryan to see if he noticed. He hadn’t. “So you said you’ll make up lunch to me after school right? What exactly did you mean by that?” She was simply curious. Nothing else to it.

always quick on her feet, joy didn't skip a beat before replying. "we're still eating, just at my house" she chuckled and pecked the girl's lips once more.

Wheein blushed even harder. “hmmph~ stop doing that it gets me all flustered” she whined softly as she pouted. The class was still very filled and busy with talking luckily.

joy remembered the mess in her room and quickly changed the plan. "actually, my parents are having a meeting at my house. let's go to yours instead" she hoped Wheein didn't question this.

Wheein nodded sweetly. She didn’t know why but she was in a happy flirty mood now. “I can pick up some food or cook something. Either one makes you happy~” From anyone else’s angle it looked like they were just two friends having a normal conversation.

joy had become so focused on Wheein she'd forgotten she had a class of her own to attend. "just meet me at my car after school babe. we'll figure it out from there" she quickly stood up, feeling slightly dizzy as a result and smiled down at Wheein to mask her disorientation. she gave the other a comforting kiss on the forehead and headed to her class with a small smile spread across her lips.

Wheein sat there and twirled her pen around happily. Even though she had to hide whatever they had, she still loved it. She would glance over at Ryan every once and a while. Once even mumbling “idiot” extremely quietly under her breath. Almost like an exhale. Once class ended she stood up and headed to her locker.

joy slept through her last period, her nightmares occurring even at school. when the final bell ring she was glad she'd been saved from yet another nightmare of Monica's blood covering her as she drove off that bridge. she quickly grabbed her things and headed to her car where she leaned in the hood and waited for Wheein patiently. her mind wondered to Ryan and why he didn't just end things rather than dragging things out.

Wheein heard the last bell rang and threw his bag on. She calmly walked down the hallways and out towards Joy’s car. She looked around at the distracted people walking and gave the other a soft kiss before getting into the passengers seat.

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