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A/N: Hey guys, I haven't updated in a while and I'm leaving like in a few days so I wanted to get this up! A lot few of you guys said you found the whole " Callie plot line" to be boring and in interesting or something like that. And when I saw that I was like hmm......what to do now.....that's kinda part of the reason I haven't updated...I had major writers block...like seriously. But one random day while trying to figure what I was going to do, an idea came to mind. So it's kinda not the direction I anticipated to go in...but, whatever makes the readers happy! So...hope you enjoy!

Spencer (POV)

My head ached

My bones ached

My heart ached....

I wake up groggily taking in my surroundings. It looked like I was in....I was in Wrens apartment? Wha-- I suddenly remember what happened god knows what time ago. I get up and my head starts to pound even more. To my surprise I wasn't locked up or latched down to the bed I was on. I hear the door open I turn my head to see Wren. 

" Oh thank god you're awake..." He says with worried eyes...he looks sincere...but not sincere enough.

"What do you want with me?" My weak voice rasped

" Spencer, I am so sorry. Just I don't have time to explain we need to get you to a hospital"

" Aren't, you a Doctor." I say and instantly regret it. I most certainly don't want him giving me any medical attention.

" I just, I can't....I have to get out of here...I need to. As soon as your safe. Now come on." 

Oh god, what have I gotten into. I try to get up, but then I get a wash of nausea come upon and my legs feel like jello I heard Wren calling my name but, he sounded so far away....and that's all I remember before I blacked out.



When I get to my new so-called home, my "parents" are sitting in the living room doing casual things. 

" Hey, Spence"

" Hi, Mom" 

" So how was school, anything new?" 

" No not really"

" Well Toby will be here in an hour or so why don't you go get ready, then help in the kitchen." Veronica said with a smile.

" Will do!" I said going up the stairs not wanting to be down there any longer.

When I get to my room my phone rings. And I mean my phone not Spencer's. I look at the ID Unknown...hmm... 

" Hello?"

" Hello Callie?" I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was my old friend Nate. He was the only one who knew about my plan..other then Wren. 

" Callie you there?"

" Yeah, sorry. What is it? Why are you calling me?"

" Okay so, your old foster family called the cops and now they're looking for you. And they find you in that house being that girl...well you know what'll happen. So listen, you have to get out now. I'm in Rosewood. Tell me the address and I'll pick you up in ten...Hurry. From there you'll go in disguise and fly somewhere no one will find you. Do you understand?" By the end of that I was already taking the few things I had and putting them in a small bag.

" Yeah I understand. And the address is 23 Wallaby St."

" I'm on my way."

And with that the phone call ended. What ever shit I leave behind is no longer my problem. I'm sure it will all piece its way together. It's Rosewood!

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