The Swicth

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A/N: Sorry for not updating, I have been really busy with a lot of stuff. But, I am not so busy anymore so you can expect more frequent updates! Hope you enjoy and don't kill me for what happens in this chapter. Let me just say it is intense.

Toby (POV)

" I'm sorry Baby B seems to have not.."

Then we heard a strong heart beat coming from the monitor.

" Oh there he is looks like he didn't want me to find him" The doctor said.

I was so overjoyed at that moment I almost forgot breathe. Spencer was okay and my boy was okay... wait boy?

" Wait a second, did you say boy?" Spencer asked. Apparently she was think the same thing.

" Oh yeah, sorry."

" No it's okay.. so what's the gender of the other baby?" I pondered completely excited.

She waved the wand around Spencer's stomach a little more until she finally said that it was a girl.

I was so happy. Spencer's okay, my little girl and little boy were okay.

If only he knew what was about to happen.

General (POV)

It has been about a month and a half since Spencer was released from the Hospital. She had gotten her cast off and she was about 97% recovered. In that month Spencer and Callie's bond had grown ever so big. They did almost everything together. Callie even moved temporarily into the house of the Hastings. Toby being Toby was beginning to get worried, he hardly knew anything about this girl, she could be dangerous.

Toby and Spencer were laying on the couch absent mindly touching and gazing at each other. No words needed to be expressed to articulate the way they felt.

" Your not showing much for a girl who is 5 and a half month pregnant with twins." Toby said.

" Well, the doctor said that I'm probably carrying them at the back of the uterus." Spencer replied.

Silence fell upon the two again. Spencer let out a heavy sigh.

" What wrong?"

" Nothing"

" Spencer.."

" Nothing okay, for once I just feel like I'm in peace, finally in peace."

Toby sighed too.

" Yeah, it does. I wish we could pick up a remote and pause this moment."

Spencer let out a wicked snort.

" If only the world worked like that."

Callie (POV)

This has been the longest month of my life. Having to live and get along with that stuck up rich bitch and her family. But, one thing that was good about this was when Toby came over, he was like every girls dream guy, though I've heard he isn't one of those "big shot" guys in town. I don't care though. After I take care of that girl he'll be all mine. I already have my plan set out, I bought my fake baby bump, I know what I'm gonna do when I tell Toby that I had a miscarriage, I know he will still love "me" because well he's Toby. I found a ring in his coat pocket one day in the hospital. I can't wait to be his. I already have someone who will take care of Spencer. Speaking of which I should probably call him, he'll be glad to know that the plan is in motion tomorrow.

I dialed the number and after a few rings he picked up.

" Hello" His voice picked up.

" Hi, It's me Callie. I just called to tell you that the plan is going in motion first thing tomorrow "

17 and Pregnant ( A Spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now