Rekindled Love

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Toby POV

I spent the last week figuring out what to do I mean I was so mad at Spencer for not telling me sooner. But that mad turned into a lot of thinking. I thought about how are we gonna manage a child with the money I had I mean I can barely manage myself or maybe Spencer will get a job? Where will she go to University. Would she take a year off to take care of the baby? Where will we live I mean my loft is very roomy for one or two. But if you add a baby to that situation, oh my. What if she has twins maybe triplets! What will her parents do to her, what would they do to me? My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing for about the millionth time today. I decided to ignore it because it was obviously Spencer. It wasn't that I was mad at her or that I didn't want the baby, heck I was fantasizing about it since that night at the hotel. I was just confused and I felt bad for ruining her life. I had contemplated going to see Spencer about everyday, but my mind told me that I wasn't ready for it. I need some advice so I decided to turn to my best man Caleb. Me and Caleb had gotten pretty close on the course of time, and he always knew the right thing to say.

After about three rings he finally answered.

" Hey man whats up?" (A/N: I'm not gonna say Caleb said or Toby said for this. I think it's pretty self explanatory and if not tell me!)

Nothing good everything's just messed up, Spence is pregnant and it's all my fault."

" Hey don't beat yourself up for this. you both made this child out of love man, and you should consider yourself lucky for that"

" You sound like a counselor. Now you make me feel bad I've been ignoring her for a week she probably think that I have abandoned her and her baby"

" Trust me I've met the girl she's not thinking that, she's probably thinking about making a chart on everything she did wrong"

I chuckled for the first in a long time.

" Hey, I'm not trying to be rude but when she told you why did you leave her?"

" Oh she didn't tell me I found out by your girlfriend, that's why I was so frustrated, I didn't get to hear it from her and I found out by someone else and not her"

" I feel ya man but you guys need to to make up before your relationship spirals out of control."

" Kay then I gotta go, myself and this place up before Spencer gets here, so bye."

" Bye"

And that I hung up the phone.

This place was a mess clothes everywhere food everywhere a pile of dishes and not to mention the stench. So I went on and washed the dishes, picked up the clothes everywhere through out the food and took a nice long hot shower. I got myself dressed and freshened up ready to leave and that's when Spencer walked in my loft without a care in world.

"Spencer?" I said astonished she come to me first

" Toby"

" Hey Spence I was literally just coming to see you. And I have lots to say. Look I'm sor..."

" No don't say anything I came here to talk to you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was going to but then I didn't want you to be mad at me and I was scared that you wouldn't want the same same things I wanted or you'd be ashamed of me and the baby. I mean I was going to tell you on our date and then you were so mad and so I didn't want to leave m..."

" Stop right there. I would never leave you in a million years. I love you so much and I'm sorry to I know I haven't been the best guy you know like ignoring your phone calls and being mad for no reason." I said ashamed. I hadn't even even noticed I'd been crying until she walked up to me to wipe away my tears.

" Hey were all in this together right no more secrets or lies"

" Yeah no more secrets or lies" I repeated then smirked down at her belly. " I can't believe our little girl's in there, that we created her"

" I know some times it feels like a dream but the good kind... wait hold up how are you so sure it's gonna a girl, to be honest I think it's will be a boy and don't you dare try to argue with me I'm a Hastings and were always right." She pretended to be annoyed but couldn't wipe the smirk ff her face.

" You're so beautiful, I love you both so much forever and always" She blushed at the use of the word both.

Suddenly they both couldn't help it they lent into the kiss they'd been keening for days.

This kiss was rough and fierce. Toby's hand wrapped around her waist as hers were tugging on his hair which Toby groaned at. Toby's tongue soon explored her mouth which she moaned at too. Toby picked her up and brought her too his room and shut the door close. Soon all clothes were discarded and Spencer knew what was gonna happen but it couldn't hurt to do it once more could it?

The rest of Spencer and Toby's day was filled with teasing, kissing, stealing glances at each other talking about the baby. But one specific topic came up.

" Hey you know you have to tell my parents right. Ugh they are going to kill me and you"

" Don't worry, we'll get through it together"

" I love knowing that"

Spencer and Toby's love is un- deniable that's what made it so strong.

And later that night they fell asleep tangled In their love.

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