What the Hell?

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Hi guys I'm back. Sorry for not updating sooner, I have not excuse I was just being lazy. But no more I will try my best to update sooner. Oh yeah so from now on I'm just going to have it as general POV I might do some individual POV's but for the most part it will be general. So that concludes my ramble of things you probably don't even read. So onto the story.

'' Come on Spencer it's been a 2 weeks. It's not like you can avoid each other forever"

" Yeah I agree with Emily on that one. I mean I don't want to be choosing sides" Aria agrees.

Emily, Aria and Spencer were sitting on the couch in Toby's loft. Toby was at work saving up for their baby. Spencer had spent almost all of her time with Toby since they made up, and had done everything she could to avoid any contact with Hanna. At school Spencer would ignore her when the girls had sleepover she would come up with an excuse to not go and she wouldn't return any of her texts or calls. Spencer being Spencer was always her annoying cocky self, but in overdrive due to her pregnancy hormones.

" Of course not. What she did was stupid, she needs to learn that everything isn't just gonna be okay in a split 2 second. I'll probably forgive her but not anytime soon"

" Ugh Spencer Hastings why do you have to be so stubborn. I'll give it until tomorrow for you two to be drowning each other in hugs of sorrow." Emily stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

" Psh. Like that would ever happen. Can we just change the subject"

" Okay, so... have you and Toby talked about the baby? Like where would you raise him or her, School?, umm... baby finances and before we go there are you even gonna keep the baby?" Aria asked in a very serious tone.

" Of course were keeping the baby. I mean I will not abort the baby or give him to another family. It would just be wrong I don't want that kid to grow up feeling as though he's not wanted. And I think were gonna raise him here it not the biggest place but it's what we can afford. And I'll probably get a job along the way to support my baby but everything is good other than telling my parents and people finding out. Which will probably never happen cause we're graduating in a few months."

" Okay I guess that's good considering your situation. Just pray you won't be showing at about three months pregnant... And you say him like you know it's a boy, how could you be so sure" Emily said with a half-smile.

" I just know and a stop jinxing it. I don't need to be wrong ..."

Just then Toby walked in with a huge smile on his face.

" Hey Spence, Emily and Aria how are you guys"

" Oh we're fine and me and Aria were just leaving. Tomorrows a big day and we have to get ready bye Toby." Aria said in a rush.

And before I knew it they were out the door

" That was weird." Spencer commented

" Yeah I guess they were really busy" Toby inquired " but I have some good news. My job just gave me a huge raise. Every 3 hours I work I get $2000. isn't that great?"

" Of course it is Toby I'm so happy for you"

" So I was thinking that tomorrow after School we could go see how the baby is doing."

" Yeah that would be great." Spencer said in a far away tone.

" What's wrong are you not happy that we finally get to see our child for the first time?"

" No it's not that I'm just scared. What if the baby is not okay. And what if I not a good mother. I mean when I grew up it was countless nanny's and notes on the counter I don't want to be like that."

17 and Pregnant ( A Spoby story)Where stories live. Discover now