Confrontation Pt.1

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Hi I'm back and i have amazing ideas soooooo tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love,   Alexia

A week.

It has been a week since the incident at the Grille. It has been a week since Hanna dropped the "She's Pregnant" bomb on Toby. And a week since Toby has talked or even made an effort to talk to Spencer.

Spencer's POV

It has been a week since our little fight at the Grille and Toby hasn't talked to me or picked up or even answer my calls or texts. I was beginning to grt mad worried and really pissed. I mean it was a little disagreement and Toby has never been the one to hold a grudge. I probably would have told him by now if he just let me in.

I talked to Aria and Emily they say that he's either busy or just blowing off some heat. I just nod and say your probably right. But deep down I know  it's something else. Maybe Hanna can help?

Well now that I mention this to my self I haven't heard from Hanna this whole week. Whenever I tryto make plans with her she has other things to do. I know somethings up and I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. I can't help myself I'm a Hasting's.

At Hanna's

I pull up to the Marin's house and see that Hanna's car's in the drive way. So she must be home.

As I approach the door I don't even bother knocking. I mean were like family, it not like i need a proper invite.

"Hanna?" No answer.

"Han you here?" No answer but I do hear shuffling upstairs.

So, I walk up the stairs and turn to Hanna's room and i'm shocked by the sight in front of me. There was tissues everywhere and about all the junk food you can ever find in there. But the worst was Hanna's appearance, her eyes were red and puffy, she was wearing sweats and don't even get me started on her hair.

"Hanna are you okay?" I asked worried. She just stood there like there was something on the tip of her tongue just waiting yo burst at any minute.

"Hanna your starting to scare me, is it Caleb?" I said thinking that it was her love life. "Do I need to hurt anyone?"

She chuckled but it didn't last for long.

"No, but I need to tell you something, something that you need to know. And your gonna hate me for this......" She trailed off.

"Han I could never hate you. Just tell me what on your mind." I said with a smile while holding onto her tight.

"Here goes nothing...... I may have accidentally told Toby that you were bringing the future Cavanaugh into this beautiful world" She said trying to lighten up the mood, but it sure as hell didn't work. My look of sympathy soon turned to anger and despair.

"You what? When? Where? And most importantly why? How could you do this to me. I told you that I would tell him when I was ready and you ruined that."

 "I'm so sorry but you have to let me explain. It was after Toby came back from your date I was walking and I just so happened to see Toby. He looked mad, no scratch that he looked furious. So I just assumed that you told him and wasn't taking it well. So then I confronted him, and apparently he didn't know. I've been in my room for weeks felling sorry. And plus it's not my fault that you didn't tell Toby." She covered.

"Oh don't try to put this on me because it was all you. Putting you nose where it doesn't belong. Now Toby's been ignoring me and now I know why you just cause so much problems. Hanna you messed up everything and I'll never forgive you, do me a favor and never talk to me again."

And with that I was gone without even looking back or processing what exactly I was doing. I went to Toby's loft and knew he was there because he doesn't even work on Sunday's. I simply went up the metal stairs and barged in. As he saw it was me he said.


"Toby" I replied as if nothing was going on.


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