Coming Face to Face with Momma and Pappa Hastings

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Hellooo SOOOO IMMA GO ON TO THE STORY RIGHT AFTER I ANNOUNCE THE WINNER OF THE VOTE!!!!! THE WINNER IS (drum roll) Two Babies. Yes they will have two bundles of joy, but stories can't always have a happy ending soooooo.......... Stay tuned. I am just soo happy because I have got more than 2K reads Yahhhh. You guys are truly amazing. Never stop believing that.  I think this is gonna be my longest chapter ever sooooooo enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very excited btw so don't mind my rambling.................


What the heck. Who sent this to me? How did they get this picture? Who hated me this much to send my life to hell? My brain was spinning and I started to feel nauseous. But no, I couldn't right now. I started to feel the stares and whispers and taunts coming at me. 'What a slut' a girl who was obviously a freshman with her pink top and tight ponytail. ' Whore" someone in the back corner of the group pointed out. 'Looks like Little Miss Perfect isn't so perfect anymore' said who knows who. This was all weighing down on me, I just couldn't take it anymore. My eyes glossed with crystal clear tears, I can't cry not here not now. I just realized how long I've been frozen there for when Emily poked me asking if I wanted to get out of there. On normal circumstances I would say yes, but no I am a Hastings, Hastings aren't weak. I put on my best fake smile.

" No you and Aria go get your stuff at your locker It's almost Homeroom and we don't want to be late, come on Hanna let's go." I said slightly tugging on Hanna's very vibrant yellow sun dress.

With that I pushed through the crowd with Hanna tagging along not too far behind. When I got to my locker I put in the combo and open it to only be met with thousands of those same papers flying out. By now my tears were at the corner of my eyes begging to come out. I put on a guarded face and through the papers in the nearest trash can, what made it worse was that nearly the whole school was watching. I turned around to face a very cocky Noel Khaun. When I tried to go around he blocked my exit, still having that intimidating smile on his face

" I never thought I'd see the day when a Hastings got pregnant in High School. I guess you really couldn't keep it in your pants. I bet your baby daddy is that Cavanaugh kid. Have fun raising your baby Hastings"

 Noel Khaun is unbelievably annoying. I mean you've said what you need to say so get out of my face.

" Hey Noel don't you have practice or did you forget your balls?" An aggravated Hanna yelled.

He backed away not saying a word in response. I got my things and headed out to Hanna.

" Thanks Han your a lifesaver"

" Anything for my best friend. I've missed you and I am gonna spend any waking moment I can with you." She said with a small chuckle. It's times like these when I know who my real friends are. Me and Han proceeded to go to English.

When I walked in the class I felt all eyes on me, but I didn't care. I took my regular seat beside Aria.

"You okay?" Aria asked clearly concerned. I smirked

" Yeah I'm just fine." And I meant it. I wasn't gonna let stupid ignorant people get to me. I am better than that. But one things for sure I'm gonna find out who sent that text.

I was half way through my AP geometry class whaen I got a called down to the office on the PA system. I gathered my things and headed off to the office to face my fate.

When I got there I saw no other than my amazing boyfriend Toby Cavanaugh with a worried expression across his face. Needless to say I was happy to see him there and apparently he was too because once he saw me a huge grin spread across his face. I ran up to him and we engulfed in a huge hug.

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