Chapter 10 - Acceptance

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Liam's POV:

It was now Monday morning and I was not ready to go back to school. I had spent all of Sunday with Theo in bed either snuggling, kissing, or watching movies.

My alarm woke me up and I was not having it.

"Wake up Liam." Theo cooed in my ear.

"No. I don't want to get up." I groaned.

"You can't skip school every day. You gotta go back. Are you still hurting?" He asks me.

"A Little." I say and roll over.

"If I see those fuckers I swear I'll—" Theo growled in anger and I got up to stop him.

"Theo." I put my hands on him. He calms down quickly and scoops me up and carries me to the bathroom. He plops me down on the toilet seat and walks out.

"Be Ready In 20 minutes I'll be back!" He yells and leaves the house to go home to change.

I take my shower and head downstairs to eat and then brush my teeth and yeah the whole morning routine yadayadayada same as everyone else. I grab my bag and head out the door and see Theo in his truck waiting for me. I hop in the passenger seat and he looks at me sweetly.

"About time. We're gonna be late." He says to me.

"I'm sorry. Does this make up for it?" I smile and kiss his beautiful lips.

"Hmm...maybe. How about another one?" He laughs and I kiss him again. This time her holds my face making it last longer.

We both pull away and I settle back in my seat, both happy with each other. He put the car out fo park and we drive off to school. The whole way my hand was in his hand and he held mine gently. He Occasionally stroked my finger and interlocked them.

We arrived at school and my anxiety rose higher than it already was at.

"Hey. Look at me." He said making me look at him. "Don't be afraid. I'll be right there with you." He said and we walked through the halls together.

He walked me all the way to my locker as a bodyguard and I pulled my stuff out of my locker and shut it.

"Hey, If anyone tries to do anything to you I want you to let me know right away okay?" He says to me and I nod my head.

"I'll see you in second." He says as he puts his hand in my shoulder and then takes off to his first period.

I head to my first period and sit down and it feels like that Friday all over again. Walking into class. Sitting in the back. Listening to him talk about math and other stupid bull crap I don't care about.

All period I thought about Theo. I can't believe he likes me and now we're dating like how is that even a thing? One minute I'm at my worst and the next I'm with the guy I've always liked.

I swear this only happens in the movies. So now I'm questioning if this is all real. If everything I've known from then till now is all actually happening or is it all in my own head?

Because if it was all in my own head, then that is one shitty thing for my brain to put myself through.

My class ends up finishing up faster than I thought it would as the ringing bell on my ears Interrupted my train of thought.

"Really? It's already time to go to my next class?" I ask myself and get up and leave to my next class.

The problem I now have is that I don't have a next class. I have my study hall period where I basically do homework for scott and his brother.

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