Chapter 5 - The Match

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WARNING! THIS INCLUDES ASSAULT if this triggers you then please do not read this! You have been warned...

You can skip this chapter if you want to idk I felt Weird writing this.

Liam's POV:

I laid on the floor in pain as my stomach was hurting really bad.

"Get him up." Scott ordered and two boys helped me up and kept me from falling back down.

"Alright Derek. I think I'll let you have this one. He was the one who was disrespectful to you so I think you should have the honor of punishment." Scott handed the power over to Derek who was a loving every second of it.

"I'll gladly take this one." Derek picks me up and jabs his fist into my stomach again making me fall to the ground.

"P-please...Stop." I plead with a hoarse voice.

"Should've thought about that before you talked back to me."

"I don't think hitting him is going to work this time. I think we should try something else..." Scott said as he smiled an evil smile.

"Put him up against the tree. Let's give the fag what he's always wanted. A good fuck." Scott smirked at his command.

"No! No please!!!" I scream out as Derek grabbed me and threw me up against the tree.

"Just shut up and take it!" He yelled and shoved me harder against the tree. I tried to fight back and scream for help but he held me in place. He used his hand to cover my mouth and muffled my screams.

I bit his hand and he jerked it away in response to the pain I caused him.

"You little bitch." He cursed and grabbed my head and slammed it against the tree, making me disoriented.

I tried to focus or regaining my vision and balance but it was no use as he quickly held me against the tree and proceeded to hit me.

I have never felt so much more pain in my life as I tried to scream but nothing came out. I couldn't move or say anything as he just hit me over and over. His friends and brother cheered him on and they all laughed at him.

I was so humiliated and broken I couldn't function at all. I had lost my will to live or fight for whatever dignity I had left.

"This is what happens when you don't listen." Derek gloated.

I didn't respond. I couldn't respond I was being hit repeatedly.

After a few punches to the side and stomach he then ended it with a knockout to the face. I slid down the tree crying even more than I was before.

"Okay were done here. That should teach him. Boys, deal with this." Derek said walking away. Two boys grabbed me and dragged me away from the rest of the other guys. That's when I found my will to fight back.

I hit and punched and kicked with every ounce of energy I had left in my body at the two muscular boys. They tried to hold my arms down but I kept fighting back as hard as I could.

Even though I was in so much pain I powered through it.

"Fuck You." I yelled and cried and hit them repeatedly. They weren't affected by my shouts or punches and continued to hold me back with a struggling effort.

"Damm What is This kid on?" One of them grunted out.

The other guy readied his fist and connected it to my face making me stop instantly and fall back. I rolled down a deep hill side and landed in the ditch below. My body ached and I couldn't move.

"Omg did we kill him?" I heard one boy at the top of the hill say.

"Oh shit I hope not. What do we do?" The others worried tone echoed out.

"Fuck. Let's get out of here before anyone sees us." One guy says and they both run off back to the car and the sound of screeching tires can be hear in the distance.

I laid on the ground, unable to move. I could move but my body wouldn't listen. I laid on the ground with blood slowly sleeping down my forehead. The light pattern of snow flurried all around me. The small flakes that made contact with my exposed skin melted instantly due to my hot body and I shuddered at the feeling.

I don't really think I understand the true nature of the situation I'm in. I'm alone and  in a ditch when the weather outside is close to freezing. No one is coming to help me.

I felt my hot tears leave my eyes and trickle down across my face. I let them fall as that's the only thing I could do at this moment in time.

I closed my eyes and waited for my time to come. I waited for darkness and the cold to envelop my whole body and kill me quickly and quietly as it could be but something happened that made open my eyes.

The sound of a car screeching to a halt by the ditch had my attention. I try to move my eyes to look around but could only see on way making it difficult looking anywhere else.

I heard someone rush down the hill and land on the ground with a loud thump!

"Liam!" That familiar voice called for me. I felt his hands grab me and flip me over onto my back as I looked up at the person who was touching me. "Liam are you okay?"

I couldn't respond or move my lips or chattering teeth. It was chilly and the frost bite bit at my nose. I crinkled it in response to the freezing cold as snow powdered all around my aching body. The ground was soft but lightly damp from the condensation on the tips of the grass blades that dug into my skin. I was naked and alone and could do nothing about it except lay there in silence.

"Are you okay Liam?" They asked me.

I looked up at their dark blue converse shoes and follows their legs up to their torso and face. The light ginger hair sprinkled with snowflakes that looked to be like dandruff almost gave away his identity. Theo.

He helped me sit up and he held me close to us surprisingly warm body.

"You must be freezing. Here. Take my jacket." He got up and slid it off his muscular torso and wrapped it around my shivering body.

I looked down a the embroidered letters and patched on it that made me admire the value of the jacket. I can't believe a jock gave me his letterman jacket, but only if I knew that was only the beginning...the match that lit something inside me....

X x x

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