Chapter 3 - Daydreamin'

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Liam's POV:

Class ended and we all left in a jiffy to make it to the car to beat the senior traffic as everyone tries to leave at the same time. Mia drives me and Larissa home which is so nice of her.

We got into the car and Mia starts bumping tunes on the way to my house. She takes me home and I hop out of the car and grab my bag.

"I'll see you later bitch." I say to her with a smile.

"Bye hoe see you around." Mia laughs and drives off down the street in a speedy manner.

I laugh at her recklessness and walk inside my house which was empty, thank god. I place my bag upstairs in my room and grab some food to eat.

I'm not that good at cooking but when it comes to simple stuff then I'm okay I guess. I make myself a sandwich(so basic) and eat it with a side of chips. The house was quiet besides the occasional creak or pop of something in the house that made me more paranoid of someone in my house but I just push it aside in my head as nothing.

My mom isn't home most of the time as when she goes to work she gets to be happy because she gets to leave me behind and not have responsibilities.

It was tough when my dad walked out on us. It's why she is the way she is. She blames me for the reason why my dad left. Some days I don't blame her.

I finished eating my food and throw away any scraps I had and went to sit on the couch and watch TV.

There's not much to do as there is and the game is not until 7 so I have to do something to pass the time.

I click through Netflix and scour the lists and suggestions area for anything peaks my interests.

I soon land on a show that seems legit so I press play and watch the first episode. After about an hour or so my eyes slowly started to close and I ended up falling asleep.


"Wake up Liam! Liam wake up we're going to be late!" A voice yells at me.

I jump up and open my eyes to see Larissa and Mia standing over me.

"What time is it?" I groan scratching for my phone with squinted eyes.

"It's 6:30! We're gonna be late unless we leave now." Mia says urgently.

"I thought you guys were having a Netflix and sleep night? No boys allowed?" I said to them confused.

"Yeah but then we felt really crappy to leave you all alone so we've scrapped our plans for next week and decided to go with you to the football game." Larissa said to me.

"That's Sweet of you guys." I smile.

"Yeah so lets go or else we're gonna leave your ass here." Mia laughed as I got up and followed them out to the car.

We got in and drive off to the high school where the game was taking place.

"I hope you brought a jacket. I heard it was going to snow!" Larissa said in a happy tone.

"I'm wearing a small jacket. I hope that's enough." I say as Mia parks her car in the parking lot.

We all get out and head to the front entrance. Mia payed for all of our tickets which was unnecessary since I could have paid for my own.

The bleachers were filling up now as more and more people poured in through the front gate. We found some seats at the top and we all piled to together as the temperature continued to drop slightly.

I looked down at the many people who were watching the game. Everyone had a blanket or were huddled up with each other.

I look down to the right side to see something stick out from the rest of the crowd. The Red ginger hair that I adore so much. I didn't even need to look at the letterman jacket he was wearing or see the face to know who it was.

He was sitting with his wrestling buddies and they seemed to just be messing around and not watching the game that was beginning.

"Come on Liam what are you staring at? Your not even pointing out the jersey numbers of the hot guys you like." Larissa smacked my arm shaking me out of my gaze on Theo.

Sorry I got distracted." I apologize and look back at the game.

"Wait a minute...oh my god no way!" Larissa squeaked and shook my whole body.

"What? What's going on?!" Mia asked her.

"Liam likes Theo!" Larissa yells out.

That brought many people to look our way including Theo and his friends.

"Guys!" I say and hide myself in my jacket. The girls just laughed and I look back up to see Theo still staring at me. He quickly turned away and back to his friends as I turned to my friends and proceeded to smack the shit out of them.

"What the fuck guys!" I say and smack them both on the arm.

"Owww! We're sorry! We just didn't know you liked anyone from the wrestling team. I mean, I remember Theo from elementary school. We used to be friends surprisingly." Mia said to me.

"You guys are so embarrassing. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I get up and walk down the bleachers to the stairs to find the bathrooms.

I reach the bottom and travel down under the bleachers to where the bathrooms are located. I grabbed my jacket as a cold wind blew by, making me shiver.

I enter the men's room and head into a stall and lock it. I sit down and go in my phone to check social media. I didn't have to go I just wanted to get away from them for a minute.

As I looked through my feed, I heard the door swing open and someone walk in. They went into the stall next to me, locking it behind them.

I got up and flushed the toilet to make it seem like I went and unlocked the stall door to leave. I walked up to the sink and washed my hands as quick as I could.

I heard the toilet in the stall that was next to mine flush and the door opened to reveal Theo walking out.

I looked down and avoided any eye contact with him and focused on cleaning my hands.

He walked up to the sink next to where I was and started washing his hands. I finished up and put my wet hands in the warm air dryer.

The feeling of the bathroom was weird and awkward. I didn't know what to say or if I should say anything at all.

I felt a lump in the back of my throat when Theo's voice echoed out:

"Do you actually like me Liam?"

X x x

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