Chapter 4 - The Spark

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Liam's POV:

I stopped thinking and kept on drying my hands. I couldn't move because I was scared as to what he would do.

I looked up at him slowly as I retracted my hands away from the automatic blow dryer that turned off when it didn't detect my hands anymore.

The bathroom fell dead quiet, all that could be heard was the cheering of people in the bleachers as whatever team was making headway on getting a touchdown.

Theo had stopped washing his hands and was now looking at me. I didn't respond and continued to look down at my feet.

"Look at me Liam." He ordered as he took a few steps I front of me.

I shook my head and backed up away from, all while looking down still.

"Look at me Liam." He ordered again. He continued to gain ground on me as I retreated as far away as I could from him. My back soo hit the wall which no meant I had nowhere to go. Theo kept walking until he was right in front of me.

I still continued to look down at my feet as he stared at me intensely while his breathing escalated.

His arms moved to grab my hands and he pushed them against the wall, forcing my head to look up at him. "Answer me." He said, his voice raised in anger.

I turned my head away from him and stared at the wall. His hot minty breath was blowing onto my cheek as he forced me to look at him.

I started to cry as I thought this was the part where he was going to hit me. I closed my eyes and waited for his arms to move to shove me or hit me or cause harm to me in any way.

Instead nothing happened. I looked at him and he was looking at me with such admiration. I was super confused by the way he was looking at me. His arms let go of mine as his hands traveled to my face.

He lifted my chin up more so I could see his eyes more clearly. He leaned in and planted his lips on my lips which was fucking crazy.

I didn't know what to do. Theo was kissing me. He quickly pulled away and I stared at him wide eyed in shock.

He wiped my little tears and kissed me again. This time I accepted it and let it happen. He kissed down my neck as I slightly moaned and my hands found there way to his hair. I tugged at it slightly as he nipped at my neck.

He kissed his way back up my neck of my ear and whispered into it:

"I want you now Liam."

I push him away as he looked at me with a confused expression. This is exactly how it went down in my daydream. Did I predict that this was going to happen?

Theo cleared his throat to say something to me but stopped when someone walked in.

I quickly got myself together and ran out of the bathroom. I made my way up the stairs and back to Larissa and Mia who were screaming for our team to win.

"Hey What took you so long? You missed us winning a touchdown." Larissa informed me.

"Yeah sorry I had to take care of some business." I say to them and sit down.

"Ewww. You sound like a girl." Mia said and we all laughed. We all stopped laughing and continued to talk and watch the game.

I look down to see Theo wall up the stairs and sit down with his buddies. He looked back up at me which made me turn away quickly and watch the game for the rest of the time.

What happened in the bathroom can't be true right?


The game ended with us winning the game 56–17. Everyone got up and left out the front gate as I followed Mia and Larissa out back of the car.

"Oh shit." Mia said as she looked at her phone.

"What? What is it?" I ask her.

"I have to go to the hospital. My mom hurt herself while trying to move something In our garage." Mia said with a worried tone.

"Then go hurry!" I tell her.

"Wait how are you getting home?" She asked me.

"I'll hitch a ride with someone." I say to her.

"With who though?" She asked looking around.

"Don't worry about it, just go!" I urge and she finally gives in and leaves, along with Larissa they get in the car and drive off down the street.

"Look's like im walking home." I sigh and fold my arms up to my chest in response to the cold winds now blowing harder than before.

I walked down the long sidewalk that winded down in a wiggly line motion. Our school sits on a hillside so going down is easy for the most part.

The road I'm walking down has a ditch that follows the road down that acts like a drainage pipe when it rains hard and water is pouring everywhere. It prevents the hillside from becoming a landslide hazard.

The snow started to fall faster now causing the ground and street to be covered in a thin white sheet of snow.

I admired the snow. It almost seemed like it was Christmas time even though Christmas is not for another few months.

The street lights shined down ominously as I walked under them. I saw the lights of a car beam at my back brightly as the car came to a full stop.

I turned around thinking it was Mia and Larissa but boy I was dead wrong. Out of the car came out Scott and his brother Derek and his buddies.

"Looks like we found a straggler." Scott smirked. All the other boys 'whooed' in happiness as they surrounded me.

"Please. I'm just trying to go home." I say to scott.

"Yeah well you should have thought of that before you talked back to my little bro? Now what did we say would happened if you misbehaved to any of us?" Scott asked me.

I refused to answer as Scott got angry and smacked me across the face making me fall to the ground.

"You get punished for it." Scott said and kicked me in the stomach making me roll over in pain.


X x x

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