Chapter 1 - First impressions

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DISCLAIMER: there will only be 10 chapters in this book so expect things to move fast and a short book:)


Liam's POV:

The sheets of my bed felt cold as it absorbed the cool temperature of last night. It felt good on my skin making me snuggle more under the duvet of my blankets.

My alarm rang which made me more alert to my surroundings. I opened my eyes slowly, already regretting looking up at the clock which read: 7:00am. I groaned in anger and sadness and flipped over to the other side of my bed, ignoring he sound of the ringing bell coming from my phone.

My door opens right then to my mother looking at me curiously.

"Do you not hear your alarm? Get up you have school!" She yelled and walked out. I sigh and get up, turning off my alarm and leaving to take a shower.

I took a quick warm shower which usually helps wake up in the morning and got dressed in my usual school attire. It's Friday today so I'm not worried of what I'll be wearing. I'm gonna have a good weekend of just staying home and watching movies all day.

I brush my teeth and grab a granola bar and a water and leave the house to start my walk to school.

To start off, here's a little bit about me, my name is Liam Blake. I'm a Senior at Redwood High in Washington state. It's located in a small wooded town called Westfield. It's not widely known so I'm sure you've never heard of it. I'm not much of a social person as anyone I've ever known has either stopped talking to me or just ignores me completely. I've gotten used to it now but it's hard every once in a while.

I arrived at the gates of my school which were long and spiky, almost resembled prison, not that it isn't though.

The weather was cloudy as it always was which was dark and moody which also described the atmosphere at our school. Nobody really liked anyone unless they knew them or tolerated them. I don't fall on that spectrum.

The bell rang and the halls cleared out quick as nobody wanted to be late on a Friday because well, Friday. It's the best day of the week. Plus, nobody wants to get a tardy and have detention after school.

The classroom was at its usual noise level of kids talking and laughing until silence falls upon the class when the teacher begins to talk. I sit in the back so nobody bothers me and I don't have to be called on for a question since the teacher can't see me.

I just sit in the back and take naps or write stuff down. I'm not a bad kid. Of course I pay attention and do my work and still get good grades. I'm just lazy and tidy we're learning the same shit so I'm not missing anything.

My eyes flutter close as I try to take much needed nap in boring ass Mr. Finch's class. Mr. Finch teaches math but I seriously don't care so I just sleep or write the whole period.

The bell rings pretty quickly and it's off to second period. It's the one period of the day I dread the most as it's mentor period. My stupid counselor thought that since I have such good grades I should help others who are it as fortunate as me. Yeah right.

It's sucks because I'm in the library but worst of all, I have to mentor and tutor Scott, a.k.a. My bully. He's the literal worst and it's not obscure as to why he bullies me.

He's captain of the wrestling team. He gets all the Ladies and is one of the most popular boys in school. A person with that type of power, of course they are going to show it off and put people where they belong in their own idea of a social pyramid.

He and his friends mess with me. All but one. His name is Theo Mason. He's not as mean as the rest of them. He kinda just watches and doesn't participate. I don't know why but I like him. I guess when someone isn't pulverizing you every day you seem to grow on them and they seem to grow on you. You appreciate them in some way it's weird.

Besides that, I walk into the library and notice it's only Theo who's at the table today. I admire his youthful gaze as he stares down at a book he's currently reading, his finger locks that form a nice quiff that I've always seemed to like. His red and white letterman jacket that seems to hug his body nicely had me breathless almost even though he wears that jacket ever day it's till continues to take my breath away. He just looks so good in it I don't really know what to say.

It pretty evident now that I'm into boys so I guess you can call me a—

"What's up faggot?" I feel someone shove me down causing me to lose my balance. What he said.

I pick myself back up and look at the person who shoved me.

It was scott's brother Derek. Yes, just when you thought one was bad enough with one, I got two. Talk about double trouble. Derek's dark hair was also whipped up in a quiff and was wearing almost the same thing as Theo, his letterman jacket open and showing his black shirt that looks too tight on him but then again he's probably wearing it on purpose to show off his great body that looks as if it's trying to bust out of its fabric.

"Ready to do my math homework? I gotta game today that I gotta prepare for. Can't have math distracting me." He smirks at me.

I roll my eyes and sit down at the table with Theo. They sit across from me and Derek slides his work over to me which I hesitantly take and start to work on it. I know the material on how to do it so it won't take me very long to finish this.

Theo kept on reading his book while Derek was on his phone snap chatting whoever he's was talking to this week. Yup, fuckboy squad I say. Not Theo though, he doesn't seem like one of them.

After 20 minutes had passed I finished all his problems and handed it back to him.

"Is it all correct?" He asks me.

"I don't know is it genius?" I roll my eyes at him again.

I probably should know better than to piss off the brother of my bully. Derek's expression changed and he slapped me across the face. My face throbbed on my cheek from the impact of his powerfully calloused hand.

"Don't get smart with me!" His voice boomed throughout the room.

I felt my cheek in pain and rubbed it slowly while staring at Derek in the face. My eyes became watery but I held them in and not let any slip out.

"I knew you were always a pussy." I muttered under my breath. Derek was about to say something but Theo grabbed his arm and got him up on his feet.

"Let's go outside. I got a text earlier from Roy that Bethany is at her locker, alone." Theo told him.

Derek turned to look at him and back at me before nodding his head to Theo and then pointed a finger at me saying:

"We'll finish this later." He walked out with Ethan and I hid my face into my jacket. I let some tears fall down and soak into my jacket.

I'm so screwed when Scott finds out. He's the worst one out of his friend group when it comes to punishments.

What did I do?

X x x

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