Chapter 2 - Rising Tensions

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Liam's POV:

The time was now around lunch time, which is 12, (I should've just said 12 what the hell is wrong with me?), people were crowding the hallways as they made their way to the lunch line to pick up the said called 'nutritious' meals that were warm and fresh. Lies! They just throw it under a heat lamp and leave it there and hand it out to the kids.

I bring my own lunch so I'm able to avoid this whole debacle of 'who gets there's first gets to eat the fastest' crap. Plus the food probably ain't even worth the trouble.

I sit with my friends who are the best part of my whole shitty day. There's Larissa who is a QWEEN by the way! She's been my friend since elementary and have never left each other sides since then. Joined at the hip as they say.

Then there's Mia who is best friends with Larissa, obviously. They do everything together and are always messing around. I like them both so much it's crazy.

"So how's it been? Are you excited that it's Friday?" Larissa irked with excitement, parting her flowing brown hair in the process of her question.

"Omg! Did you know that new movie that is coming out next week? I can't wait to see it with you all!" Mia said enthusiastically.

"Yeah I'm excited. Say, are any of you guys going to the game tonight?" I ask them.

"No. Why would we? Besides 'we' already have plans tonight to Netflix and sleep. Sorry Liam, no boys allowed, even If they are gay." Mia smiles and wrapped her arms around Larissa. They are so cute I swear.

"I guess I'm going solo then." I sigh.

"Awww don't feel bad. At least you'll get to watch hot guys get sweaty and run around on a field." Larissa smirked at me.

"Yeah. It's only nice when your with your friends talking about it and pointing out the number of the guys jerseys of which we find cute." I say to them.

"Why are you going to the game anyways? You've never been to a football game. Ever! You don't even like sports in general!" Mia asked, flipping her head back in laughter.

"I want to go because it our last year of high school and I've never been to a football game not once In my four years here. I don't want to leave not knowing what I could have experienced." I responded.

They looked at each other and back at me and started busting up.

"That's the funniest shit I've ever heard!" Mia giggled.

They started laughing so loud that I started to laugh with them. By now I think the whole cafeteria found us annoying but I didn't care. I was really enjoying life now more than ever.

I felt a someone shove me and my lunch on the floor stopping our fit of laughter instantly.

"Quit being so loud fag." I hear Derek yell at me. He was with his group of friends and they surrounded me like sharks circling their prey.

Mia and Larissa got up to help me off the floor.

"What the hell is your problem?" Larissa growled in anger.

"My problem has to do with him. Mind your own business." She shoved her away from him.

"Hey!" Mia yelled as she caught Larissa from stumbling back and onto the floor. Her eyes were mad dogging Derek as he laughed and walked off with his buddies.

"Are you okay?" I asked Larissa.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks." She said and we all say back down.

"Well, there goes my lunch." I say while staring at the floor. They had stepped all over my food so it as all crushed and not worth eating.

"You can have some of mine. Here." Larissa said handing me an extra fork.

"Yeah me too." Mia said with a smile.

"Thanks guys." I smile back at them and eat with them.

After finishing our lunch we got up and left early to head to our last class which was Human Anatomy.

The teacher just lectures the whole period on the skin and what it can do.

"Now, the skin has many different functions. It can protect our bodies from harmful bacteria that can make us sick. It protects us from overheating or getting too cold, also known as thermoregulation..." she continued on about the skin which I didn't really care until she said:

"...the part we all know about the skin is the ability to touch. Inside the top layer of the skin is sensory receptors that inform the brain when something is in contact of it..." she spoke of this and I was instantly put into a different state of mind.

I thought about Theo's warm hands grabbing onto mine. The way his brown orbs peered into mine with such lust and interest my heart started to pound quickly.

His hands trailed up my skin which caused me to shiver a little at his tickling touch of his fingertips. my fingers combed through his ginger locks as he nipped at my sensitive neck.

He pushed himself closer to my ear and whispers:

"I want you now Liam." I moaned a little at his quiet voice and he kissed my ear. Everything was perfect. It felt right. I opened my mouth to speak but stopped when I heard my teachers voice call on me.

I snap out of my daydream and look around. The whole class was staring at me and I was so confused as to why.

"Uhhh What?" I say confusedly.

"I said, could you explain why you are moaning in my class? Are you in pain? What's going on?" She questioned me.

I felt so embarrassed I didn't know what to say. Everyone laughed at me and we immediately went back to work. I slouched in my seat and pulled my hoodie up, not wanting to show my face anymore than I want to.

I look over at Mia and Larissa who are looking at me with raised eyebrows and large eyes.

"Sorry." I mumble and turn back to the teachers lecture.

How embarrassing is that?

X x x

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