Chapter 33

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Hana and Jimin stared at each other. They didn't know what was going on.

They were literally in the car going to a place. They didn't even know where they were going.

Jin and RM did this, they knew it. There was a plan going on that no one knew about.

Moments Earlier...
Hana and Jin were walking together towards the car.

"Why're we going back to the car alone?", Hana asked. "Oh, you're not gonna be alone so don't worry.", Jin said calmly.

"How can he be so calm in talking. This is like kidnapping me. I don't even know what's going on and neither do the boys. This is just great...What if I get hurt?", Hana thought as she walked to the car.

She saw RM and Jimin together near the car. It looked like they were waiting for her and Jin.

"You're finally here. I thought you forgot.", RM said. Jin shrugged and smiled at Hana.

"I'm gonna leave you here with Jimin. As long as you don't call the police, you'll be fine.", Jin said.

"I wanna call the police. It feels like you're kidnapping me.", Hana said. "It's not kidnapping. You know what's going on, kind of. You'll know sooner or later. This won't harm you.", RM said in assurance.

"How can we trust you?", Jimin asked. "We're your friends. Do you think we would want to hurt you?", Jin asked with hurt in his voice.

Jimin and Hana shook their heads. RM and Jin left them. "Please get into the car.", a man said, he looked like the driver. Jimin and Hana got into the car.

Present Time...
"Where do you think we're going?", Hana asked. "I can't tell. At least the windows aren't covered. If it were then it would really feel like we were being kidnapped.", Jimin said. Hana looked out the window.

"Do you wanna play 20 questions while we're in this car?", Jimin asked. "Are you getting bored already?", Hana asked. "Yeah.", Jimin answered.

"Then let's start playing.", Hana said. "You can start.", Jimin said.

"What did you do after you played with me?", Hana asked. "Do you really want to know? Am I allowed to be honest?", Jimin asked.

"I don't really care about what happened anymore. All that matters now is that we're friends again.", Hana said.

"Really? We can be friends again?", Jimin asked in excitement. "Yeah. Unless you don't wanna be friends.", Hana said in embarrassment. "No. I would love to be friends again.", Jimin said happily. Hana smiled at him.

"Okay. I'll answer your question now. I broke up with the girl. I felt bad for you, but I had so much pride so I pretended I didn't care about what happened. Although, I felt really bad for you and I hoped that you would be okay.", Jimin said.

"What about you? What did you do after I played with you?", Jimin asked. Hana laughed nervously.

"Well, as a typical girl, I obviously cried loads of times. I asked my mom to transfer me. I even forgot about you staying in SOPA and my mom transferred me there.", Hana said. Jimin nodded.

"What was you reaction when you saw me in SOPA?", Hana asked.

"I was so confused. I had many feelings about it. I was happy, scared, and relieved. I was happy since I saw you again back on your feet. I was scared that you would hate me. I was relieved that you looked okay.", Jimin answered. Hana nodded.

"I felt the same too in a different way. I was happy since I wanted to see you again. I was scared that you would take advantage of me agin. I was relieved that you looked okay. I was angry at you too since I had been spending months to get over you and I saw you again.", Hana said.

"You have arrived at your destination.", the driver said. The two got out of the car and found a lovely garden with a table with two chairs.

"Whoa~", they said together and laughed at their synchronization. They found RM in a waiter uniform.

"Please take your seats so that you may be able to eat already. I'm pretty sure you are both hungry from the ride.", RM said.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?", Jimin asked. RM just winked at him. They took their seats and looked at the menu.

"These are the course that you will be served. I will be right back, I will just get your appetizer.", RM said as he left. Jimin and Hana were busy lookin at the garden in amazement.

"Why does this look like a place for a date?", Hana asked. "Actually, this is Jin hyung's garden. His mother tends to this garden. She's usually not around at night. I guess this was their plan.", Jimin said.

Hana laughed. "I can't believe they did this. I think this was set up.", Hana said.

"I'm pretty sure it is. They kept distracting Jungkook so that he couldn't get a strike. They kept giving me clues on how to get a strike.", Jimin said. Hana nodded.

She knew she was good in bowling which was why she won over her friends. RM came back with their appetizer.

"These are gimbap (Korean sushi rolls). Please enjoy. Ring the bell when you want me to serve your main course.", RM served the gimbap and left them again.

"I think Jin oppa made this.", Hana said. Jimin nodded his head in agreement. They started eating and they were both found it very delicious.

This was just the appetizer, they both thought of how good the main course would be. Jimin rang the bell which signaled for RM to get the main course.

He got the main course which was bulgogi. "Here is your main course.", RM said and left.

"Why're we so quiet?", Jimin asked while laughing. Hana laughed as she noticed it too. "I don't know. It's probably because of the atmosphere.", Hana replied.

"Because it looks like we're on a date?", Jimin asked while smiling. "Yeah. It's just kinda awakened since we're not dating...anymore.", Hana said.

She suddenly wished she hadn't said that. It seemed more awkward now being with him.

"We're just friends now. Don't have to worry. It's not like we're together anymore. Why did I have to add 'anymore'. It just got worse.", Hana thought as she got some bulgogi.

They finished the bulgogi and rang the bell again. RM brought back a chocolate bingsu.

"There's only one?", Jimin and Hana asked. "Yes", RM replied while smirking. He was interested in what they would do about it.

The two sighed and were forced to share it. They were almost finished with the bingsu when their spoons touched.

They both blushed. If they would put the spoons back into their mouths, it would be an indirect kiss. RM saw them getting awkward with each other and chuckled.

The two put down their spoons and said that they were full. They both knew what the other was thinking which made them blush more.

"Thank you for the meal.", Hana and Jimin said. "Your welcome.", RM replied. They both went to the kitchen and found Jin washing the dishes.

They felt bad for him so they helped him. Jin was surprised by this.

"Jimin~ah, you almost gave me a heart attack!", Jin said while clutching his chest. Jimin and Hana laughed at Jin.

He let them wash the plates and thanked them. They also thanked him for the delicious meal they had.

"I'll give you guys a ride. We should head back to Jungkook's house.", Jin said as they all left his house and went to Jungkook's house.

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