Chapter 16

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"Chowon! Somi! I'll see you both at our usual hangout place after my chat with Jungkook oppa, right?", Hana asked Somi and Chowon while fixing her bag.

"Oh uhm...We changed plans. I thought of going to a new café that just opened last week.", Chowon said.

"That would be daebak! Let's go there later.", Somi commented, agreeing to the place. Hana nodded her head in agreement.

"So, I guess we should meet up there at around 5?", Chowon asked.

"Yes!", Somi and Hana exclaimed. "Bye! I'll see you later. I have to go to Jungkook oppa now.", Hana said while waving her hand to her friends.


Hana exited the classroom and was pulled by Jungkook. "You should really stop doing that. What if you accidentally pulled somebody else? That someone could've gotten a heart attack!", Hana exclaimed.

"Says the person who keeps jumping into conclusions.", Jungkook mumbled.

Hana was about to answer but remembered her guilt and kept quiet.

"C'mon let's go to my car. We can go to a park since there are always benches there that we can sit on and chat endlessly. Of course, you have a hangout after our chat so we won't stay there for long.", Jungkook said rather quickly.

Hana had to process all the words he had said to understand where they were going. They got into the car and Jungkook drove to the park that he had said.

When they arrived, Jungkook laughed. "What's so funny?", Hana asked.

"It's just that you're so quiet. I feel so awkward when you're quiet. You're usually noisy that's why.", Jungkook explained, still laughing.

"Well, I'm still guilty so I'm trying to be cautious.", Hana explained.

"Don't be too cautious though. It's like you were investigating my car.", Jungkook laughed and Hana started laughing as well.

They got out of the car and walked to a bench. "So....What did you want to discuss?", Hana asked as she looked at him.

"I wanted to talk about 2 specific classmates we have.", Jungkook answered.

"Who? Chaeyoung and Nayeon?", Hana said while smirking. "I've never seen you smirk. I guess that's new, but that's not the point. But yes, you guessed correctly.", Jungkook said.

"What about them?", Hana asked. "Well...They're not what you might think. I mean they're different from what you probably think.", Jungkook said.

"I'll say what I think about the both of them. They're flirts but they can also be nice.", Hana said.

Jungkook laughed. "What?", Hana asked. "I guess you got one fact correct. They're flirts.

Probably it's not that obvious for Nayeon, but she flirts with Jin, Suga, J-Hope, and RM. Basically, the hyung line of my group.", Jungkook explained.

"Please explain. I won't interrupt unless I have questions.", Hana said, she was so interested.

"Chaeyoung flirts with the maknae line. The maknae line consists of Jimin, Taehyung, and me. We found out all of this after many investigations. So far, that's what we know.", Jungkook explained looking at Hana if she understood.

"Daebak! You guys should be investigators.", Hana commented. Jungkook smiled and continued.

"You need to know that they're not just flirts. They also manipulate other girls. The easy way to explain everything is that they use girls to send us love letters from the two of them.

They're trying to make the letters anonymous so that we wouldn't know who the letters came from but we know better. In return, the girls they manipulated would get to go on a date with us through those two.

Chaeyoung or Nayeon would tell us good things about one of the girls so that we get interested in them and get the girls to go on a date with us. Do you get it so far?", Jungkook asked to make sure she understood.

Hana looked at him in amazement. She never knew that his group was such a brilliant group.

"I'll continue I guess. They are also very plastic with the girls especially if they are new students.

They make sure that the new students have a good image in their heads. They do this so that if they have a favor to ask from them, the new students wouldn't think that they are doing something bad.", Jungkook continued.

Hana looked at her watch and saw that it was already 4:45. Her face gave Jungkook the impression that it was almost time for her hangout with his sister and her other bestie.

"I'll explain more if I can next time.", Jungkook said standing up.

"Oh okay. There's still more to the story?", Hana asked as she stared at Jungkook with shock in her face.

"There are some incidents to explain so that you would be fully convinced not to be friends with them. But I don't think I need to tell you since you can see it with your own eyes", Jungkook said as he got into the car with Hana.

"So when can you explain these incidents to me?", Hana asked. "We can talk about all that tomorrow if you don't have any plans after classes.", Jungkook said, hoping that she would have time for the information.

"Sure.", Hana said. "I can drive you to your hangout place. Just tell me where the place is and I'll drive you there.", Jungkook offered.

"Oh you're so generous. Here's the address.........", Hana said.

"Okay, it's quite near for your information. I'm being kind so that you would know that I have another side of my personality.", Jungkook said with his bunny smile.

"Oh of course. Aside from your playboy side right?", Hana asked cautiously.

"Yes. I hope you understand that my whole group has that side of theirs.", Jungkook said and stopped at the place.

"Thanks for the chat and the drive.", Hana thanked him and left the car.

"She has no idea how bad Chaeyoung and Nayeon are.", Jungkook thought.

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