Chapter 24. I'm not going anywhere.

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I hover my finger above the green button, trying my best not to have second thoughts on it all.

"Harry, what are you doing?!" Brookie yells, getting up from the sofa.

"Harry, stop!" she walks over to me tries to take the phone away from me. "Give me the phone, now!"

I shake my head. "No, Brooklyn. He can't get away with this."

"You can't call the police, he'll know I told you!" 

"Brooklyn we have to, there's no choice."

"Yes there is! If this wouldn't have happened you wouln't have known about this, and we're not together anymore so he can't do it again! Please Harry, don't do this."

She tries to take the phone but I hold it up, away from her reach. I press green and hold the phone to my ear.

"999, which emergency service do you require?" a women's voice says down the phone.

"The police." I say.

"Okay, hold the line."

I look down at Brooklyn and she's sat with her back against the wall, crying.

I find myself frozen and torn once the operator asks me for details.

I stare at Brooklyn and when she looks up at me, my heart sinks a little. She's broken, I know it.

I groan and disconnect the call. I walk up to Brookie and sit beside her. I wrap my arm around her and she cries on my shoulder.

"Sshh, it's okay. It's gonna be okay." I say, rubbing her back. "I'm here for you, bubba."

We sit there for a long while, I don't keep track of time, but I know it's been more than an hour. I feel helpless, like there's nothing I can do to help her, so I just sit there, hoping my presence will be enough.

The room grows silent when she stops sobbing and when I look down at her, I notice she has fallen asleep.

I gently scoot away from Brookie and sit up. I lift her up in my arms and carry her upstairs to her room and put her into bed. I put the covers over her and tuck her in and sit beside her, watching her sleep peacefully. 

I look around the room and I spot something out of the corner of my eye. I get up and walk over to the window-sill, picking up a small, old book and returning to Brookie's side.

I open the book and notice it's hand-written poetry. Near the end of the book is a small piece of paper tucked between the pages. I open it up and on one whole page is one, simple quote in bold script hand-writing.

"Those who hurt you the most are the ones you love the most."

That's when the realisation kicks in. I suddenly have a weird feeling inside of me, a feeling that, I don't belong. I look around the room, wondering what I should do. I stand up but Brookie takes my hand.

"Don't go," she whispers, interwining her fingers with mine.

I look down at Brookie, her angelic features and voice making my heart melt. And that's when I know, no matter what happens, I will always love this girl.

I lie down next to her and stroke her cheek, where there were once tears streaming down.

"I'm not going anywhere," I whisper.

She smiles and squeezes my hand once, before closing her eyes again.

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