Chapter 22. Goodnight.

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So it's been a day since the incident with me and Harry. If it was my choice, I would have stayed another day with him in that van, but it wasn't so I had no choice but to stay at home bored all day while everyone else is out.

Before bed, I trudge in slipper-clad feet to my desk to turn off my laptop. Just as I reach for the mouse, a message box pops up.

HarryS6678: Hi, are you awake? - 11:55

I recognise Harry's screen name immediately; he's had it for as long as I've known him. I sit down on my chair and type back.

Brookiee: Hey curls. Yeah, I'm just getting ready to go to bed. - 11:56

HarryS6678: I won't bug you, I just wanted to say goodnight :) - 11:56

I smile.

Brookiee: No it's okay, I'm not that tired anyway. How did your mum and Robin take it all? - 11:57

HarryS6678: Bad but better than what I expected. - 11:57

Brookiee: Really? - 11:57

HarryS6678: Yeah... I'm not aloud to play badminton this weekend, or the next, mum's taken my phone away from me, my Xbox has gone and I'm not aloud to hang out at the park with the boys either. - 11:59

Brookiee: Sucks to be you, huh? - 11.59

HarryS6678: Tell me about it. At least I have my laptop though! - 11:59

Brookiee: Yeah :) - 11:59

HarryS6678: Oh and you know what my mum thinks? - 11:59

Brookiee: What? - 12:00

HarryS6678: That we... you know... - 12:00

Brookiee: What? - 12:00

HarryS6678: Had sex. - 12:01

I laugh, but I'm not exactly sure why. Either I'm slightly embarrassed or because of the image of us in the van that got in my mind.

Brookiee: Oh dear, really? - 12:01

HarryS6678: Yeah, the no shirt kinda gave everything away... - 12:01

Brookiee: Hahaha, soooorry! - 12:01

HarryS6678: I still don't know why you threw it out the window... -  12:02

Brookiee: Because you stole my last Haribo? - 12:02

HarryS6678: Oh yeah... - 12:02

Brookiee: So what did you tell her? - 12:02

HarryS6678: "Yeah, so what?" - 12:03

Brookiee: WHAT?! - 12:03

HarryS6678: JK,  I told her we're just friends, Brookie :) - 12:03


Brookiee: Oh okay. - 12:03

HarryS6678: With benefits. - 12:03

Brookiee: You wish. - 12:03

HarryS6678: ;) - 12:03

I lean back in my chair and sigh.

HarryS6678: What are you doing tomorrow? - 12:04

Brookiee: Nothing. I'm not aloud to do anything... - 12:04

HarryS6678: Neither. Wanna sneak out? - 12:04

Brookiee: What if we get caught? - 12:04

HarryS6678: Then you get a smacked bottom. 12:04

I giggle.

Brookiee: Hmmmm... - 12:05

HarryS6678: Please? It'll be worth it, trust me ;) - 12:05

Brookiee: No, I can't. - 12:05

HarryS6678: Pweeeaaase? - 12:05

Brookiee: How about you come to mine? - 12:05

HarryS6678: Ok! - 12:06

HarryS6678: Mum leaves for work at 8 so I'll be there at 9? - 12:06

Brookiee: Mine too. Okay :D - 12:06

HarryS6678: Spoken to Hayley? - 12:09

Brookiee: Yeah, she was a bit angry at first but then she understood. - 12:09

HarryS6678: That's good :) - 12:09

Brookiee: Curls I gotta go to bed. - 12:10

HarryS6678: Okay then. - 12:10

Brookiee: See you tomorrow? - 12:10

HarryS6678: Definitely :) - 12:11

Brookiee: Goodnight, curls :) - 12:12

HarryS6678: Goodnight, beautiful girl .x - 12:12

- HarryS6678 has signed out, 12:12 - 

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