Chapter 20. Let's get away from here.

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"Come on, let's get away from here." Harry says.

"No, I can't," 

"Yes you can, come on." he says, wiping away my tears with his sleeve.

Harry takes my hand and pulls me up from the ground and we walk out of the gates and down the quiet street, away from school. The only thing breaking the silence are my heels which are now starting to hurt my feet. 

"Are you okay in those?" Harrys asks, looking down at my feet, as if he was reading my mind.

"No, they're hurting a bit actually."

"Take them off and I'll carry you." he says.

"No no, it's fine."

"I don't mind. Sit here." he says, pointing at a bench on the side of the pavement.

I sit down and he carefully slips off my heels and I sigh with relief. He gives the heels to me and he turns around and says, "jump on."

I stand on the bench and climb onto Harry's back and wrap my arms around his neck, holding my heels in one hand and my bag over my shoulder.

"Won't they be a bit suspicious?" I wonder.


"Me and you going off... what about Hayley and the boys?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure they'll understand."

"I hope so..."

I lean my head on Harry's shoulder and close my eyes. I play with his curls, wrapping them around my finger and stroking them with my thumb. Harry chuckles.

"What?" I say.

"You always used to do that."

I smile.

"Are we there yet?" I ask.


I open my eyes and spot an old beat up van parked in front of a No Trespassing sign on barbed wire and when Harry walks closer I notice we're on a hill, overlooking the twinkling, scattered town below, sprawling across more than twenty miles of land.

"Wow," is all I manage to say.

"Cool, huh?" he says, walking towards the van.

He pops open the trunk and places me down on the front seat before disappearing behind the van. I turn around to see what he's doing and realise that the middle row seats are missing.

"Who's van is this?" I ask.

"No idea, it's been here for ages. Don't worry, I've cleaned it all out though." he says.

"I should hope so." I say.

On the third row, there are two pillows that look like they were taken from someone's couch; a soft knitted blanket folded neatly on the seat, and a small cooler on top of the blanket.

Harry spies me checking out his setup and smiles sheepishly when our eyes meet.  He closes the trunk with a light thud. Instead of jumping in beside me in the driver's seat, Harry opens the sliding door on the far side of the van and climbs in. He's carrying what looks like a see-through tub of food from the buffet.

"Thief!" I say playfully.

"Come on back," he instructs with a laugh.

Instead of getting out of the van, which would probably hurt my feet, I ever so 'gracefully' climb between the seats and crawl to the back of the vehicle next to Harry, who has cleared the blanket and the cooler from the third row, propped a pillow on the back seat for me to lean against and grabbed 4 packets of Haribo from his setup.

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