Chapter 17. The perfect dress.

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"BROOKLYNNNNN!!!!!" Hayley throws her arms around me and squeezes me to death.

I giggle. "Hi."

"Oh my God, oh my God I am so excited!" she says, jumping up and down holding my hands.



Hayley drags me to the commercial centre and we walk to the end of the centre until we reach a small shop called Yuvathi. Hayley pulls me in and when we get inside, I am in utter awe.

The shop is small but very pretty looking. The walls are white with painted black flowers crawling up to the ceiling, where there is a huge black and white chandelier hanging and the polished tiles are see-through with lights under them. On the right of the shop there are see-through swingy chairs lined up against the wall and to the left are about 10 different lines of dresses, tops, shorts, jeans, shoes, jewelry and accessories.

I look at Hayley and her face expression looks as though she's literally going to faint. 

"Ready?" she asks, squeezing my hand.

"Let's do this." I say, smiling.

                                              * * *

"But Hayley, I can't wear a dress!" I say for the hundredth time in 2 hours.

"But why?" she asks for the hundredth time.

"You know I never like to wear dresses..."

"That's because you have never tried them on!"

"I'll look horrible."

"Don't be silly, no you won't, now please just go try this one on."

I cross my arms  over my chest and frown like a child.

"Pleeeeease?" she begs.

"I don't even know why I have to wear a dress any way!"

"I said I can't tell you, it's a surprise!"

"I hate suprises..." I say, staring down at the dress. It looks so small...

She gives me a puppy face and I just sigh and look away.

"I'm not wearing it." I say finally.

"It's just one night for God's sake, it's not like you're gonna live in it."

"If it's just one night then why can't I just wear want I want?"

"Because everything you want to wear is B-O-R-I-N-G. I don't want you ending up wearing jeans and a top, it has to be special, it has to be the perfect dress!"

I groan and slump down on the beanie in the changing room. I have literally had enough.

"Please, Brooklyn. I promise you will look amazing." she says, handing me the light peach colored dress.

I stare at it for a moment and then look up at Hayley. 

"As long as you get me a cardigan."

"EEEEEEEEEE! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK, YOUUUUUU!" Hayley squeaks, jumping up and down again. "I will be right back!" she says, handing me the dress and running out of the changing room.

I sigh, stand up and walk into a changing room, holding tightly onto the dress. I close the curtain and turn around so my back is facing the mirror. I get changed out of my baggy clothes and step into the soft, silky dress and zip it up at the back.

"Here, try this one on." Hayley says, handing me a gold sparkly cardigan through the curtain.

I slip the cardigan over my shoulders. It's a bit itchy but it's beautiful.

"Try these on!" Hayley passes a pair of cream and gold heels through the curtain as well. 

"You're joking, I can't walk in these!" 

"Just stop moaning and try them on."

I slip my feet into the shoes and I nearly topple over with the first step.

"Are you ready yet?"


"Come out then!"

I slowly open the curtain and look up at Hayley. She looks strangely gob-smacked.

"Oh... my... God! Look at you! You look beautiful Brooklyn..."

"Really?! I haven't seen myself yet..."

"Then go look!" she says.

I glance sideways at the mirror and I'm almost shocked at my own reflection.

That's not me... is it?

I step towards the mirror in awe.

The peach dress is adorable and not too fitting, it just flows down above my knees. The heels, well, what can I say, they're pretty amazing. The heel is gold but the shoe is a creamy color with little gold studs at the front.

I hadn't noticed Hayley was standing right beside me, gazing at my reflection with proud mama eyes.

"You look gorgeous." she says, hugging me.

I giggle happily. "Thank you, Hay."

"I told you, didn't I?" she says, poking my waist. "Come on, let's go. We have loads of other stuff to buy!"

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