Chapter 14. Boy troubles.

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- Brooklyn's POV - 

"Hey girlie, what's up?" I hear someone say as I'm sitting in the back garden, on a sun lounger in the shade with my laptop.

I look up to see Hayley smiling down at me. She's wearing more makeup than normal and a jean skirt so short that if she was so bend down, no doubt you'd see her bum.

"Who let you in?" I ask.

"Oh nice to see you too! Your mum did." she says, sitting down on a sun lounger beside me.

"Sorry. Uh, what's the occasion?" I ask, nodding at her outfit.

"There isn't one." she says, shrugging. "I don't need an occasion to look nice. At least I make an effort." she says, nodding at me.

I scowl at her, even though I know it's true. I'm pretty much used to seeing Hayley dress like this recently. I guess her dress sense has always made her look older than what she really is - which is, surprisingly, younger than me - I'd admit even at school girls give her dirty looks and I couldn't possibly count how many times she's been told to pull her skirt down by the teachers or headmistress. At the same time I'm not surprised she's always dressing like a popstar; she has the money, that's for sure.       I couldn't be more of the opposite and I'm not too demeaned by it. I don't think I've worn a skirt in my life and I don't think I ever will for numerous reasons. Jumpers and jeans is what I live in.

"So, is everything okay?" she asks.

"Yes." I lie. "Have you spoken to Josh recently?" I ask, changing the subject and pretending to read something on my laptop screen.

She shifts uncomfortably under the towel she's sitting on. "No..." she admits.

"Why not?"

"I don't know... well, I tried calling him this morning but he didn't pick up." she shrugs to herself. "Maybe he's busy."

"Or with some other chick..." I say a little too loudly under my breath.

Hayley widens her eyes at me.

"Sorry Hay, that was harsh. I know, maybe he was busy."

"He'd never do that to me..." she says.

I raise my eyebrows at her but she doesn't notice as she's staring at the ground.

"Hayley, can I be honest with you?" I ask.

"No, not really Brook."

I shake my head and get back to typing my essay.

"Fine, shoot me right at it." she says.

I put my laptop at the bottom of the sun lounger and cross my legs in front of Hayley.

"Guys aren't perfect, Hay-"

"I know they aren't."

"...And they never will be. You can't keep thinking Josh is all innocent, he isn't-"

"Neither is Dougie..." 

"Are you going to let me speak or are you going to interrupt me every 2 seconds?" I say irritably.

She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"You just need to stop being to oblivious to the fact Josh may just be cheating on you." I say.

"But he isn't!"

"How do you know?" 

"He wouldn't cheat on me, I know he wouldn't."

"How do you know?" I ask again.

"How do you know if he is?" 

I pause for a moment, thinking of a way to try and say this without hurting her feelings or having something backfired in my face.

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