Chapter 16. Happy Birthday to you!

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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Brooklyn, Happy Birthday to you!"

I open my eyes and see my mum looking down at me with a huge smile on her face. I smile back and rub my eyes. 

"Thanks mum." I say, yawning.

"I can't believe you're sixteen. It didn't seem that long ago you were turning six!" she says, walking over to the window and pulling the curtains open. She walks back to my bed and sits down next to me.

"How are you feeling this morning, darling?" she asks, feeling my forehead and looking at me worriedly.

"Much better, thanks." I lie. 

My head is banging, my stomach is doing frontflips and I feel really weak.

"How about breakfast in bed? I'll make you a full english breakie and bring it up to you if you like."

"No it's okay, I'll come down in a minute." I say, sitting up.

"Alright," she says, getting up and walking towards the door "don't get up too fast you might feel a bit dizzy." she says, before walking out and shutting the door behind her.

Last night I passed out on the lounger in the garden, being 10 degrees, I woke up shivering. My mum found me hours later, at 1 o'clock in the morning as she'd noticed I wasn't in bed. I told her I fell asleep, but I could tell she still wasn't convinced.

I haven't eaten properly in days and I can't bring myself to it. I feel as though I might vomit if I do and I hate getting sick. It's the worse. So all I've been eating are muesli bars and just drinking water.

I stand up, and mum's right, I do feel dizzy. My head spins and I sit back down again and wait until the white clouds clear before my eyes. I get back up and look at myself in the mirror. Due to living in England and it being in my genes, I am a very pale person, but today I am as pale as ever. When I step closer to the mirror, I notice dark circles have formed under my eyes. I grimace and look away from the mirror.

I grab some clothes from my wardrobe; underwear, a bra, socks, a white strapped top, black leggings and Harry's purple Jack Wills hoodie. I bring the hoodie up to my nose and smile as I breathe in his familiar scent. I walk across the landing to the bathroom and put my clothes on the side next to the sink and I run the shower until it gets warm. I take off my pajamas, step into the shower and sigh with relief. I let my muscles relax as the warm water hits my icy cold skin. 


I literally feel myself jump out of my skin and I automatically wrap the shower curtain around my body. I poke my head out and see my mum standing there, looking a bit embarrassed and confused.

"Sorry love, I just wanted to check on you. Uh, I'm going to start making breakfast now."

"Okay..." I say awkwardly.

She smiles at me before closing the door.

I sigh and pick up the apple smelling shampoo and massage it into my scalp and then rinse it out. I do the same with the conditioner and then get a sponge and squeeze the strawberry shower gel from a bottle on to the sponge and begin gently rubbing it on my skin. I shave my legs and armpits and spend the last 20 minutes over thinking everything and the world and its ability to fuck everything up.

It's my Birthday. I shouldn't be feelings like this...

I turn off the water and step onto the white fluffy mat and shiver as the cold air makes me get goosebumps. I grab a towel from the cupboard and wrap it around my body and begin drying myself. I put on my clothes, brush and dry my long hair, brush my teeth, put on some concealer to cover up my blemishes and put some blusher on my pale cheeks and I'm finally done.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time and nodding my approval, before going downstairs to hopefully  eat something.

"Hey sweetie, breakfast is ready." my mum says as she sees me.

I notice the table has been nicely set with colorful food mats and glasses that are only taken out of the cupboard for special occasions. Mum comes out of the kitchen with two plates of food. The smell is wonderful. I sit down on the chair and mum places the plate on the mat in front of me before sitting down too.

"Bon apetit!" she says, smiling.

"Thanks mum, this looks great." I say, eyeing the huge plate of food in front of me.

I pick up my knife and fork and cut a small piece of egg and eat it, chewing slowly and smiling and nodding my approval at mum.

"So what are your plans today and tonight?" she asks.

I shrug. "I don't have any." 

"But it's your 16th Birthday..."

"It makes no difference, It's just a number." I say, taking another bite of egg.

"Oh but it is different. Why don't you go out with Hayley and the boys, hmm?"

"I don't know..."

My mum puts down her knife and fork. "You haven't had an argument with them have you?"

"No, no. I just don't want to make a big thing of it, that's all." 

The house phone in the kitchen starts ringing and my mum stands up quickly to answer it.

"Hello?" Mum says. "Oh Hayley how lovely to hear from you! Brooklyn's just having breakfast."

"Yes, she is. Do you want to speak to her? Okay then. Bye bye." she says, before handing the phone to me.

I take the phone and walk into the living room.


"MORNING BIRTHDAY GIRRRRRL!" she screams down the phone.

Oh God.

I giggle. "Jeez Hayley, thanks."

"Get your arse down to the square in 10. We're going shopping."


"Shut up, you're coming."


"I promised you to get you your birthday present together, didn't I?"

"Oh... yeah."

"Exactly. Now hurry I'm already here."

"Okay, bye."


I giggle again. "Love you too."

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