Chapter 3. Jenny don't be hasty.

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Once I've got changed and dried my hair, I go back outside and it's already dark and the garden lights are on.

I get my phone out of my bag and put it in my pocket, take a sip of vodka from the bottle on the table and grab a hand full of Doritos from the half-empty packet before going to look for everyone. I'm convinced everyone's gone home and left me before I hear a strum of a guitar coming from inside the garage.

I open the garage doors. I remember when me and Harry were younger we always used to come here to play hide and seek as there used to be Anne's old furniture and things in here. Harry always used to find the best hiding spots so I could never find him.

After the bootsale the garage is more or less empty now, except for an old Saxony carpet on the floor, a table that's now full of alcohol and the instruments. The boys use this place to practise now.

Nick, Haydn, Will and Harry have all the equipment set up. Josh gets up and takes the mic off the stand and says in a funny American accent, "Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for White... Eskimoooooooo!

We all cheer and whistle. Josh gives the mic to Harry and Nick starts with a fast beat on the drums and Haydn and Will join in with the guitars.

"Well sometimes I go out by myself, and I look across the water..." Harry's voice sends tingles down my spine. 

"And I think off all the things, of what you're doing and in my head I paint a picture..."

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I take it out and look at the caller ID.

"Shit." I hiss.

I go outside and answer the call. 

"Hello?" I say, trying to sound composed.

"Brooklyn, why haven't you been answering my calls?" He sounds worried, but he's not drunk. Good.

"I'm sorry, uh, my phone was on silent."

"Oh... okay," he's silent for a while "how are you?"

"I'm fine, just a bit tired." I say, pretending to yawn.

"Do I hear music?" 


I close the garage door.

"Yeah, neighbours are pretty loud tonight."

"Alright. Well, sleep tight princess." he says softly.

"You too." I quickly cancel the call and make my way back into the garage, forcing another smile when Hayley looks at me worriedly. 

"Hey, who was that?" she asks.

"Just my mum checking up on me." I say.

I know she isn't convinced.

"Do you know where I can get one of those?" I ask, pointing at the beer can in her hand.

"On the table."

I go up to the table and crack open a beer and take a long sip. I don't even like it but I feel I need it to calm my nerves.

Valerie has finished and now they're playing Jenny Don't Be Hasty by Paolo Nutini.

"Brooklyn, I love this song! Come dance with me!" Hayley says, taking my hand and dragging me to an empty spot on the floor.

We dance about all around the garage; waving our arms about and jumping up and down, playing air-guitar and singing along like lunatics.

I look at Harry and I notice he's looking at me, smiling widely. He winks at me and I smile and feel my face turn red.

Okay, no more alcohol for you, Brooklyn.

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