Chapter 2. Harry's house.

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"So how do you think your mum will take the assignment situation?" I ask, taking out my phone from my bag and sending my mum a quick text letting her know I'll be home late.

"I think she'll be okay; I'll probably tell her tomorrow."

"Aw, we haven't done this in ages. It's nice." I say, squeezing his arm.

"Yeah, it is." he says, smiling down at me.

Harry stepdad's house is only a few streets away so it isn't long before we're all standing outside the house gates. He presses the buzzer and a few minutes later Anne walks out the house wearing a beaded cream low-cut shirt, a black skirt and brown heels. She's wearing her hair in a perfect bun and  gold earrings.

"Hiya kids!" she says, walking up to the gate.

I hear Nick whisper, "Milf or what?" in Josh's ear and Harry elbows him in the stomach.

She opens the gate and lets everyone in.

"I'm going out with Robin now. Your sister's gone to the beach and sleeping over her friend's house so there'll be no one here. No alcohol... which means no jumping in the pool in the nude," she points that out to Harry "no loud music and don't forget to feed Dusty." she says.

"Yes Mum." Harry says, rolling his eyes.

"Right I better get going, Robin's waiting in the car."

She quickly says goodbye to everyone before she gets into the passenger seat of a Land Rover and drives off.

We walk along the stones towards the pool; me and Hayley sit on the edge and dip our legs in the pool, lean back on our elbows and take in the last of the day's sun while the boys play football on the other side of the garden.

Harry goes inside the house and returns with a drinks, sausage rolls and some Doritos. Everyone invades the food and drink but me and Hayley aren't hungry. 


I look up beside me and Harry's holding a light blue drink in a plastic cup out for me.

"Uh, what is it?" I say, watching the condensation dripping from the drink.

"WKD, dimwit." 

"Didn't Anne say no alcohol?" 

"Brookie, you gotta live hard to be hard." 

"Right, okay." I say, taking the drink.

I take a sip and it feels so good as the cold liquid slips down my throat.

"Aren't you hot in that jumper?" Hayley asks. 

I notice she's on her side staring at me.


"I'm boiling and I'm wearing a top." she says.

"I'm fine."

She shrugs and lays down on her back.

"Ah, I love Summer." Hayley says, taking in a long breath. The air was crisp and unwilted, it smelt lovely.

"Me too, it's so relaxing." I say, taking another sip of my drink and putting it on the floor beside me.

I swirl my feet in circles in the pool and listen to the sound of the birds chirping up in the trees above us.

But then I suddenly feel cold water pouring down my back, I scream and jump up from the ground. Harry's holding a hose. I'm going to kill him.

"YOU JERK!" I scream.

The boys laugh and even Hayley finds it amusing.

I run up to him and chase him around the garden, trying to take the hose away from him but I only get even more wet. I manage to turn the hose towards his face and get him wet. 

"Right, that's it." he says. 

He drops the hose, holds his arms under my legs and my back and lifts me up in his arms.

"No, Harry! Please! Let me go, Harry-" but before I know it, I'm in the deep end of the pool. I have a panic-attack as I stay under water for a while as Harry's thick jumper absorbs the water, so it's heavy and makes it difficult for me to swim. I kick and punch the water and I don't know what to do. At last I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me up above the water. I gasp for breath as someone pulls me out of the water and lays me down on the grass.

"Brookie, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I forgot you can't swim." his voice is shaky and seems far away although he's right next to me. "Please say something."

I open my eyes and look up at Harry, "You're an idiot and I hate you." I croak.

He chuckles lightly and smiles down at me. 

"Brooklyn, are you okay?" Hayley asks, bending down next to me along with everyone else.

"I'm fine." I say, sitting up.

Haydn passes a towel to Harry and he wraps it around my shoulders.

"Thanks." I say, shivering.

"Here, come with me. Let's go get you some dry clothes." Harry says, holding out his hand for me to take it. I take his hand and he leads me inside the warm, cosy house. We walk passed the living room and into his bedroom. It's a simple, normal sized room with a bed with blue sheet covers, a white bed-side cabinet, a wardrobe and old Liverpool football posters on his walls.

Harry rummages in his wardrobe for clothes for me to wear. 

"Here, is this okay?" he hands me some grey joggers, a purple Jack Wills jumper, boxers and some socks.

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks Harry." I say, smiling.

"It's okay," he murmurs. "I'm really sorry I threw you in the pool." he says, tucking a strand of my wet hair behind my ear.

I smile. "It's okay... you just forgot."

"Hey, you look like baby Tarzan when you get your hair wet." I point out. 

Harry chuckles and smiles. "You're weird." 

"You're weirder, Tarzan."

We stare at each other, smiling for a while, watching his eyes glisten. There's a moment's silence before we both look away awkwardly.

"I'm, uh, gonna get changed in the bathroom, I'll meet you outside." he says, making his way out the door.

"Okay, sure."

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