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The doorbell rang as Namjoon was just about finished giving the boys a tour of his luxurious home. "Ah! I completely forgot!" He shook his head.

"Huh?" The two lovers said in unison.

"I forgot my boyfriend was coming over!"

And for some reason, Taehyung's heart dropped. He didn't know why but the word 'boyfriend' coming out of Namjoon's mouth effected the brunette a little. Their break up wasn't new- no that was 7 years ago.

"Namjoon!" A voice yelled from the main room. The three boys headed down. The man handed his very expensive coat to a butler and placed his sunglasses on his soft light brown hair. "Oh my God! I have to tell you, the amount of people at the store-"

"This is Jin," Namjoon said as he cut off his lover. "Jin this is Jungkook and Taehyung." He smiled and wrapped his arms around Jin.

Taehyung did the same. Almost a glare in his eyes. "Wait I've seen you before..." Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows.

"Probably in a magazine. I'm very famous for modeling."

"No no- in person." Jungkook tried hard to think, but just couldn't remember.

"Let's go eat- I remember you said you were hungry Jungkook."

They all headed into the kitchen where lunch was already prepared. But Jungkook couldn't focus. He wanted to know where he'd seen Jin before.

He studied the male's face and body structure and tried to think back when. He gave up after a while of not being able to figure it out.

"Baby, you look constipated. You okay?" Taehyung asked as he placed a hand on Jungkook's thigh.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine." Jungkook ate his spaghetti.

"Taehyung I still can't believe you forgot my number." Namjoon said as he rolled his eyes.

"I told you I was sorry! I got fixated on something important."

"You mean your boyfriend over here?"

Jungkook blushed and hid his face behind his bangs as he continued to eat.

"I never knew your friend was so good looking Joonie." Jin looked at Taehyung.

"He's always had an etheral beauty about him." Namjoon replied, earning a slap on the arm.

"You're supposed to say I'm more handsome!" Jin pouted.

"But you're the most prettiest person I've met."

"Ew can you stop being all mushie while I eat my food?" The youngest said, making fake gaging noises. They all laughed at they younger's silly actions.

Jungkook slowly stopped laughing but a smile still resided on his lips. The younger looked at Jin, his face showing that he was nervous about something. Like he knew something everyone else didn't.

Jungkook abruptly stood up and pointed at Jin. His eyes were wide. The three stared at the younger with questioning looks.

"Uh..." Jungkook knew he made a dumb choice to do that so he made up a quick plan in his head. "Your plate is empty, do you want more?"

"Uh sure?" Jungkook quickly grabbed his plate and rushed to the kitchen area which was a different room from the dining room. Three maids were cleaning the kitchen and two cooks were keeping the food warm.

He stared at them as they stared at him and he gave the plate to one of the cooks.

"More please?" He smiled as he was embarrassed, things rushing through his head.

"Jin caused the accident. Jin was the one who put me in a coma... I remember his face now!"

As the plate was now full again, he bowed, and rushed back to the dining room. He gave Jin his plate back.

"Taetae can I talk to you for a minute?" He tugged on Taehyung's arm. "In private." He whispered.

He excused himself from the table and headed into the living room where they were no longer near the other two.

"What's wrong with you today?" Taehyung asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"Jin is the one who hit me!" Jungkook whisper yelled.

"What are you talking about? Are you sick?" He went to put his hand on the younger's forehead but his arm got smacked down.

"I'm not sick! The accident! He hit me with his car and made me go into a coma!" He pointed to the dining room while he whispered loudly.

"What?" Taehyung was in pure shock and confusion. How could Jungkook be so sure it was him? "Are you sure?"

"He called the ambulance for me and stayed with me until they got there."

"Who called an ambulance for you?" Namjoon's voice came through as the two males walked into the living room.

"I think you need to sit down." Taehyung said.

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