11: [O]

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**Jungkook POV**

It's been about a week, he's slowly started to talk. I feel so sad without my phone and my music, but I guess that isn't needed when you're with someone.

I learned he's not that bad of a person, it's not like he's killed anyone, right? I know his full name is Kim Taehyung, he is 22 years old, and his favorite colors are black, white, green, and purple. I aslo leaned that he has a friend, funny right, this guy has a friend.  His name was Kim Namjoon. They both had the same last name, and got along really well, but Namjoon is on a world trip at the moment and Taehyung has no one else.

"How long have you had your deep ass voice?"

"It progressively gets deeper each year, but it got really deep about two years ago."

I nodded, swinging my feet in the air and holding my face in my hands. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"No." He looked away.

"Ah... Me either." I laughed, "I guess I'm not as good looking as I thought."

He tapped the bed. "Have you had any crushes?" Taehyung asked for the first time this week.

"Mmm..." I pursed my lips, looking up and thinking. "No actually." I shook my head and looked at him. "You?"

His cheeks turned red, but was straight forward. "Yes, I do."

"Who is it?" I tapped his leg.

"I can't tell you, it's a secret." He pet my head.

I pouted. "Pleaaaase~"

"A secret is a secret."

"I'll call you hyung forever if you tell me." I begged.

"Nope." He twisted his earring.

"Aish you're no fun." I rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling. I felt a body crawl on top of me, I shifted my gaze. Taehyung put his arms on either side of my head, and his legs on either side of my body.

"I have a question," he stared into my eyes. "What is your sexuality?"

My whole face turned red, I had no idea what it was to be honest. It felt as if I were frozen, my whole body turned cold. Why was this question scaring me? "I-uh... I'm not sure." My eyes darted back and fourth.

He tilted his head and blinked slowly. "You don't know? That's okay, not a lot of people do." I nodded slowly. "Would you like to find out?"

I scrunched my eyebrows together, looking confused as hell. "What do you mean? If it's you kissing me, I don't do kissing."

"No dumbass, we're gonna go to a unisex strip club." A smile and a smirk formed on his lips. He removed himself from me and grabbed two jackets. "You're changing clothes, they're dirty." He tossed a leather jacket, a black shirt and a pair of dark jeans at me. I caught them, heading to the bathroom.

I quickly changed my clothes and fixed my hair, smoothing it out. I walked out to see Taehyung in a really nice leather jacket, black jeans and a black shirt as well. I saw him bitting his lip, the vibe in the room changing as he looked at me up and down. I felt weird, so I stepped to the door. "Let's go." I motioned him to hurry.

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