13: [K]

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I woke up, Taehyung's arms wrapped around my waist, his head on the back of my shoulder. I groaned, rubbing my eyes to see better.

"Taehyung..." I had my morning voice which was deep and raspy.

"Mm?" He rubbed his head on my shoulder.

"What do you wanna do?" I didn't bother clearing my throat to make my voice clear, so I left it as is.

"Cuddle.." His voice was much deeper than mine, it made me smile. He pulled me closer, our bodies connecting. It felt warm being close to him, and I forgot everything about him stalking me. It's like I don't care about it anymore. I feel like I've known him for years but in reality it's been like a few months.


"Jungkook?" Taehyung spoke after an hour of cuddling me.


"Would you ever love someone like me?" His voice sounded quiet, almost sad.

"What do you mean?" I flipped my body around to face him and look him in the eyes.

"Just... Never mind." He faked a smile and played with my hair. "I never meant it to be like it was in the beginning."

"When you were being a creep and stalking me and taking pictures of me?" I laughed thinking how a person can seem so fucked up on the outside but on the inside they're nice and caring.

His eyes moved down, looking closed from my angle. "Yeah... I wanted to meet you properly... But I felt like your friends wouldn't accept me, or they would get mad because you would spend more time with me than them."

"Well they're probably worried sick about me because I don't have a phone to text them on and I disappeared randomly in he middle of the night."

"I'm sorry kookie..." That was the first time in a long time someone called me "kookie", it made me even happier.

"It's okay Taehyung, I still like you. That's all that matters." I placed my hand on his cheek and rubbed circles on it with my thumb. He looked into my eyes, a light smile appearing.

I missed my friends, I missed my house, I missed my phone, I missed my everything. Part of me wishes I could go back in time and tell myself "don't go outside" and the other part says "you made a good choice". I'm stuck in the middle, having no idea what to do with Taehyung. He's a lost soul, needing someone to love but he doesn't know how to.


I was laying down, stomach flat, on the couch, he let me explore the house for the first time in a month. His home was about the size of mine, only a little bigger. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, large living room, dining room, and a kitchen. His furniture is really comfortable, I could just fall asleep anywhere in his house.

Taehyung came up to me and laid his whole everything on top of me, causing me to groan and feel squished. "You're... Heavy... Oof-" He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed his head on my back.

"Jungkook," He stopped his actions. "Can you turn for a second?" He got off of me. I flipped on my back, putting one leg up and the other flat, spreading my legs a bit.

"Is something wrong? Do we need to talk about something?" I tilted my head.

He sat on top of me and looked into my eyes while I looked into his. My heart began to pound like crazy, my head starting to spin. Why am I feeling like this just from looking into his eyes? Maybe I'm nervous about what he's gonna say.

Nothing was said for about five minutes straight, just us staring at each other. Neither of us wanted to break the silence. I sat up, keeping him in my lap, not breaking eye contact. I placed my hand on his neck, tracing small circles on it. He hummed quietly, finally breaking eye contact, his eyes shifting downwards. My eyes immediately shifted down also, looking at his lips. What am I doing?! I can't!

He started to lean closer, it felt like I had no control of my body. Our faces centimeters apart, lips almost touching. I moved my head down, avoiding it at every cost. "I can't I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I- I didn't- I wasn't thinking." Taehyung moved his head the other way as well. Awkward tension started to build in the room. I should've just went for it but it's too late now....

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