10: [K]

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**3rd person POV**

He walked down the sidewalk, hands in pockets, hood over his head. His voice is like cocaine for me. His touch is so soft, I can't resist it. His body is so perfect, I want to see every detail of him.

He pulled out a screwdriver and began to scrape on the garage door in front of him. A light shined on the door, he looked back to see police approaching. There was no where to run, he turned around and put his hands up, eyes staring into one of the policeman. The officer grabbed the man by his jacket and slammed him into the garage door causing him to drop the screwdriver. The policeman put the man's arms behind his back, cuffed him, and threw him in the police car.

The car arrived at what seemed to be a police station, one of the policeman dragging the man out and pulling him into the building. They took him into a dark room, lit up only with one light.

They uncuffed him and placed the man in the chair. The policemen left and an investigator came in, sitting himself in front of the man. The man scraped the side of the table with his nail, showing no sign of nervousness on his face or body language.

"What is your name?" The investigator asked, he spoke in English. At least Taehyung knew how to speak and understand most English.

"Kim Taehyung."


"22 years old."


Taehyung looked away, biting his lip. He turned his head back to face the man, saying "They don't exist."

The man took a sip of his water, giving Taehyung memories of 'his father' drinking alcohol and abusing his mother. He turned his head once again, swallowing hard. He cleared his throat and looked forward again slowly. "Can I please have one phone call?"

The man gave him a phone, followed by "Only one call. You get 8 minutes."

Taehyung nodded and picked up the phone. He dialed his house phone number, luckily one of the phones was in his room. He continued to scrape the table, waiting for someone to pick up.


"Listen to me, I've been caught and I need you to get me out. I have less than 8 minutes to talk to you so please just hear me out. I need you to get on the computer and track this number down and find where I am. It won't be that difficult I know you can do it. Find me and get me out of here now."

"What are you talking about?"

"Jungkook hurry up and do as I say."

"4 minutes." The man spoke.

"Jungkook please, quickly." Taehyung whispered through the phone.

"I-I'm trying give me a second. I have no idea how to do this."

"Open the app on the bottom left corner of the screen and put the phone number in, it should give you all information."

"1 minute." The man spoke again.

"O-okay. I-i think I have it. It's loading."

"Jungkook hurry..."

"I have it! I'll-" The phone was grabbed from Taehyung and was hung up. Taehyung looked down, biting his lip. Why am I so stupid? At least this guy doesn't understand Korean.

"You'll wait here until someone from your family line comes for you."

Taehyung nodded and scraped the table even more. There was silence in the room for 10 minutes straight until two gaurds came in. "There is someone claiming to be his brother waiting." Said one of them.

The man looked at Taehyung then at the guard. The guard came in and took Taehyung's arm and lifted him up. "Listen kid, don't do that again or you will be sentenced to a few months in jail. Got it?" Taehyung gulped and nodded saying 'yes sir' in his head. 

They pushed Taehyung into the main building, Taehyung searched the room for his 'brother'. His eyes landed upon a man the same height as himself, dark doe eyes, jet black hair, and dirt on his jacket. He did it... They stared intensely into each other's eyes, Taehyung slowly walking towards Jungkook.

"If I see you here again Kim Taehyung, you will be placed in a cell." The man behind the desk spoke.

"Yes sir." Taehyung gulped and held back his tears. He took Jungkook's arm and walked out.

"Your name is Kim Taehyung?" The younger boy looked at the older.

He nodded, not wanting to speak. Mom... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you...


They arrived back at the house about two hours ago, the older hasn't said a word since. The younger boy decided to try and comfort the older by going to him and putting his back on the older's and locking their arms together. The younger placed his head on the older's back. The older had his legs spread out, feet touching. The younger had his legs stretched out, one hand in between his legs.

"Taehyung... Why are you upset?" Jungkook asked.

He didn't speak, just stared into the nothingness of his room. What's wrong? I killed my father because he hurt my mother. How do you think I'm upset? The older spoke in his head.

"Taehyungie, please talk to me. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." He rubbed his head on the older's back.

I stabbed him with a broken beer bottle... The older began to have flashbacks of him stabbing his own father after his father abused his wife.

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