Chapter-30: Miracles Of The Ending

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3 years later

"Hey man you ready?", Jb saw Mark pacing back and forth in his room with a paper in his hand, "what are you doing?"

"He's been like this since the past hour", Yug said sitting on the sofa sipping his drink.

"I have not been able to write down the vows! In-Ha is going to kill me", Mark was in a state of panic.

"Listen calm down", Jb said snatching away the pen and paper from him.


"You can't just write it in an hour now. Just say whatever comes to your mind ahen you see her at the altar"

"Oh yeah? I hope I don't word vomit"

"Words will find a way when you see the one you love", he winked and Yug cheered at him.

Words will find a way


"In are you ready?", Hei asked In-Ha as she set her veil.

"I've never been more ready in my life", she said smiling and Hei walked to her, "but- "


"The vows! I can't seem to get it", she panicked.

"The vows. I think you can do it without preparing them. Just look at him and speak your feelings", Hei said.

"How are you always right?"

"It comes naturally", Hei shrugged making her laugh, "You look so beautiful", Hei was almost in tears.

"Oh please don't cry. Don't worry I'll throw the bouquet at you so you can catch it", she said making Hei roll her eyes.

"Your dad is here. And let's not keep Mark waiting"

"Ready to go my beautiful little girl?", Ib-Ha's father said coming inside the room.

"So ready dad", she said putting her arm around his as they walked outside.


There he was. Standing at the altar.

The man I love. The man who has given me so much more than I could ever ask for.

I love him.

If you could love someone more than love itself, I think that's it.

She stood in front of him as his gaze followed her all the way to the altar.

"You look- Wow. Just wow", Mark was speechless.

"You don't look so bad yourself", she said with a bright smile on her face.

Jb winked at Hei as she stood behind In-Ha as her bridesmaid while he was sitting on the front row making her smile.

"If anybody has any objections they might as well speak now or hold their peace forever", the priest said and waited for it but nobody spoke.

"Very well, we shall begin then"

"Do you Mark Yi-En Tuan take Choi In-Ha as your beloved wife, in health and sickness, in happiness and sorrows?", the priest started the ceremony.

"I do"

"Do you Choi In-Ha take Mark Yi-En Tuan as your beloved husband? Do you promise to be beside each other in health and in sickness, in happiness and in sorrows?"

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