Chapter-23: One Last Time

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The dinner was over and Hei and Jb went to the balcony to get some air.

"Well that went smooth", Hei sighed.

"It did", he said holding her hand in his.

"She's making a sincere effort this time. I hope its sincere"

"Stop overthinking things"

"But-", he took her face in her hand and kissed her softly. Her insides melted everytime he kissed her.

"No buts", he pecked her again when his phone rang, "Jinyoung? "


"Is this Lim Jaebum, Park Jinyoung's brother?"

"Yes it is", Hei saw his face tense.

"You brother has been in an accident"

"What?", he said shocked and Hei started to tense as well, "I'll be right there", he shoved his phone in the pocket, "I have to go"

"What happened?"

"Jinyoung's been in an accident. He's in the hospital"

"I'll come with you", he noded and they both rushed to his car, "I'll drive", he gave her the keys and sat in the car.

Hei held her hand the whole ride to the hospital.

Trying to calm him but his grip on her hand tightened as he looked out of the window.

I hope he's fine Hei prayed.


"Park Jinyoung", Jb ran inside to the reception.

"He is in the ICU on the 3rd floor", the nurse told them and they sprinted to the 3rd floor. Hei already texted Mark and In-Ha on her way up from the elevator.

Jb saw him lying in the Icu with tubes and needles connected to him. Seeing his brother like this his legs gave up and he fell on the floor against the wall.

"Jb", Hei's heart clenched seeing him like that on the floor, "Hei he- Jinyoung he-"

"He's fine okay? Nothing is going to happen to him", she said when the doctor came out.

"Doctor how is he?", Hei asked and Jb got up.

"He has lost a lot of blood. We need to do a blood transfusion as soon as possible"

"What is his blood type?"

"A negative. We don't have that at the hospital blood bank-

"Take mine, I am A negative", Hei said cutting the doctor off.

"We'll get the procedure started right away", the doctor said.

In-Ha and Mark and Jb's parents came running over to them when they saw them. Hei was walking behind the doctor.

"Hei-", In-Ha said.

"Take care of him and his parents. I'm going for a blood transfusion", Hei said.

"I'll come with you", Jb said.

"I'll be fine", she said keeping her hand on his, "you need to be strong for your parents okay?", he nodded and she went with the doctor.

"Oh my god my son", his mother closed her eyes at the sight of Jinyoung. Tears started falling when she saw him lying on the hospital bed.

"I want you to find whoever did this to my son", she cried in her husband's chest and Jb kept a hand on her back.

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