Chapter-9: Save You

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Jb was sitting on the porch with beer in his hand. He took a sip and Jinyoung approached him.

"You are hyper today"

"I need to tell you something", Jinyoung sat next to him and took a deep breath.

"I'm listening", Jb said passing him the beer and Jy took a big sip to calm his nerves.

"I went to Kim Enterprises today"


"I overheard Hei and Mr. Kim talking", Jy said and Jb sat straight, "She isn't doing this on her own", Jinyoung faced Jb.

"What do you mean?", Jb could feel his anxiety shoot up.

"Mr. Kim, he knows about your past and he's using it against her for a business deal. Mark and Hei are doing this because her father threatened them", Jb could feel the earth slip from underneath him.

"Everything she did, everything they did is to protect you, protect your image, our family and In-Ha. She loves you bro.", he said.

Jb didn't know how to react. He was stunned. He couldn't say a word. All this time he thought she betrayed him but she was actually protecting him.

"I need to see her", Jb got up and decided to go see her.

"Go get her tiger!", Jinyoung shouted and his mother came from behind.

"Fight for her!", his mom shouted from behind and he did a thumbsup in her direction.


"You don't see people like her everyday", his mom said and Jinyoung hugged her from the side.

"Yeah", he nodded and saw Jb drive away.

"It's about time my son got a happy ending. He's been through enough."


Hei stopped outside their apartment building to drop Mark off.

"Where are you going?"

"I need coffee to get through the day"

"Why didn't you get it when we were there?"

"I forgot", Hei said lost.

"What happened back there?"

"The usual", she said looking straight ahead gripping the steering wheel tighter.

Mark noticed she was trying to contain herself. So he didn't push her.

"Can you get me choco chip muffin?", he asked and she nodded.

He got out of the car and she drove off.


Hei was sipping on her coffee when Lisa came in.

Lisa saw her sitting on the couch sipping her coffee and tried to avoid her.

I need some coke or I will lose my mind Lisa mentally said to herself and went to the washroom.

She laid 4 lines of coke on the sink and snorted them one by one. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and it was Hei.

"Lisa?", Hei said and Lisa immediately hid the straw at the back with her hands.

Hei was suspicious. She noticed white powder on the side of her lips but ignored it.

"Hi Hei! What a pleasant surprise seeing you here in the bathroom.", she giggled like a crazy person.

"Yeah!", Hei was sarcastic.

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