Chapter 24

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Me and Sal stood in the middle of the street. The rain falling around us. It was the happiest I've been in a while. Finally happy.... and engaged to the man I adore.

The next day, the storm cleared up and we were meeting up with the guys for a few drinks. Sal told me it was just to catch up- but I knew he wanted to tell the guys about our engagement. I only wore some leggings and a t shirt as I knew it was only gonna be the guys there.
"Em, could you get me my wallet from the side please"  Sal asked. I turned around and grabbed it, but as I turned around to give it to him, he was down on one knee holding a box with a ring inside.
"I know we're already engaged... but I wanted to give you a ring... and a proper engagement" he said with a nervous laugh. "So Emily will you marry me? Even if we are already engaged" he asked with a cute smile.
"Of course I will" I said as he slid the ring onto my finger. I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. I could feel his smile crease against my lips, as his hands gripped onto my waist, and twirled me around.
"I love you" he whispered softly into my ear.
"I love you too" I whispered back.

We intertwined our hands together and quickly left the house before Lucas noticed. We still haven't told him about the engagement. We wanted Sals parents to be the first of his family to find out about our engagement.

Me and Sal walked hand in hand to the bar, where we spotted Q, Murr and Joe sat at the bar, sipping in their drinks.
"You guys look happy" Joe said to us with a confused smile.
"Yeah, what's up?" Q asked. I turned to Sal with a smile. I held out my hand in front of them, with my ring glistening in the light.
"Wait... are you?" Murr began.
"Yep... we are engaged!" Sal said to them with a grin.
"You kept this quiet!" Q said.
"It kinda happened so fast" I said.
"Tell me about it" Q muttered. I looked at Q, who turned back around and carried on drinking. I felt Sals hand wrap around mine, as he passed me a smile.

Joe brought us a a drink as I sat beside them. However, Q soon got up and ran outside- with Sal quickly following...

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