Chapter 19

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During the last few weeks, me and Sal have been very happy. I've moved into his place and I'm having no trouble writing my new novel.

Tonight, me and Sal were going to a family meal of his, and I was quite excited. I mean, I've met his parents but I've never been properly introduced to his sisters.
"Babe, you almost ready?" Sal called up, as I applied my lipstick.
"Yeah!" I shouted, as I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs.
"You look gorgeous" Sal told me as he placed a kiss onto my cheek. I blushed at his kind words as we made our way over to the restaurant.

We walked in, as the waiter shown us to the large table in the centre of the table. Sals mom and dad immediately welcomed me with warm hugs.
Meanwhile, I was re-introduced to Jenna. She then welcomed me to her husband. Then I met Sals other sister, Julia, whom I've never met before but she seemed lovely. She has two children with her husband. We ten all sat down to begin our meal. Everyone asked about me and my career. As I wasn't that close with my family, this felt perfect- as if they've welcomed me into theirs.

However, halfway through dinner someone else arrived.
"I'm so sorry I'm late!" The man exclaimed as he took off his jacket. He turned around.
"Lucas??" I asked in shock. He looked at me and immediately turned pale white.
"What are you doing here??" He asked me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I'm Sals brother" he told me. I looked at Sal who looked at me confused.
"Please... tell me your lying" I begged, but Lucas shook his head. I ran off to the bathrooms.
"I can't believe it's him..."

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