Chapter 6

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Two Years Later...
Me and Sal walked hand in hand through the gates of our new college. Sal was studying business and finance, whereas I was studying literature. Murr was in my class too which was nice. Q, Joe and Bessy went to a different college, but me, Sal, Murr and Madi stayed here.
Me and Sal have been going out for each other for two years now. Within a day of dating him, I knew he was the love of my life. I couldn't bare to be without him. My mum took him in like part of the family; and his parents cared for me like their own.
Sal was perfect; he'd call me everyday just to tell me he loves me. He leaves me little notes in my bag with cute little messages, he would care for me when I'm sick, he'd always take me out to places and he would be my best friend at the same time.

As we were 19, we were focused more into the future. We made plans to buy an apartment together in a few years with each other and someday get married, but as each day came, those hopes faded.

My mum had been toying with the idea of accepting her promotion. She had always told me that if I wasn't happy, we wouldn't do it. I was always hanging in the hope that she was telling the truth and that she wasn't going to lie to me- at least not today.

As me and Murr settles into our new class, the professor was introducing himself and the course. Me and Murr both wanted to be authors, and that's why we were going to work so hard for the next four years.
I was really enjoying the college life. It was definitely different than highschool, but the worst part was lunchtimes.
Me, Sal, Murr and Madi all sat around the table, but we would then realise that Bessy, Joe and Q weren't with us. We were such a tight packed group- so it felt different when we weren't together... but I guess that's growing up.
I sat beside Sal in the cafeteria with Murr and Madi opposite. We spent the lunchtime talking over what we had done.
Madi was doing a beauty course. She always wanted to be a makeup artist for tv and magazines- ever since we were 14.
Sal was studying business and finance. He was always interested in owning a business. But he would do some comedy with the guys every weekend too.
Me and Murr wanted to be authors. Murr was also interested in script writing too.

That evening, me and Sal held hands as we walked up the drive of my house.
"I missed you today" Sal said to me with a smile.
"What do you mean? We saw each other at lunch" I said.
"Yes but... it's not the same" Sal sighed. I stood in front him so we were face to face. I wrapped my hands around his neck as I smiled warmly to him.
"Just think... one day we'll have our own place together" I reassured him. He smiled at the thought.
"I love you Emily" Sal whispered to me.
"I love you too" I replied with a warm smile. He placed a warm kiss on my lips then walked home.

I smiled to myself as I ran up to my room. I threw my bag onto the bed as I stared at the mirror. My necklace that Sal gave me, glistened in the light, and my eyes wandered to the picture of me and Sal kissing in the snow. I smiled warmly at the photo until my mum called up the stairs
"Emily! Can you come down here a second?"
"On my way" I replied as I took one more glance at the photo.

"What is it?" I asked my mum as she sat in the dinning room table. The years were evident in her eyes, which made me feel uneasy. "Mum?"
"Em... sit down". I did as I was told. "I have something to tell you. I'm taking that promotion" she spilled.
"Good for you!" I said with a smile. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's in London" she revealed. "and I've decided we are going. I've booked our flight a few weeks ago, and I have an offer on the house. We need to leave tonight" she told me.
"No!! No way! I'm not leaving here!" I shouted.
"Your Dad has been saying how he wants to see you, and I really need this promotion" she explained.
"What about my life here?! School?? Sal??" I asked.
"I'm sorry. You'll meet new friends"
"He's not a friend! He's... he's.. the love of my life!" I said. My mum rolled her eyes.
"Don't be so dramatic!" She yelled.
"I hate you!!" I screamed as I ran back up stairs.

That evening, my mum filled the car up with our things, and everything she binned. I started at the empty room around me. I couldn't believe this was happening. Before we left, I sent Sal a text explaining I was leaving and that I was sorry.
I pulled the last photo of us hanging off my mirror and placed it in my pocket as I left the house.
"You ready?" My Mum asked as she sat in the driver seat. I sheepishly nodded, causing the tears to fall from my eyes. As I was about open the door, I felt someone push me back and turn me around. It was Sal.
"Please... please don't go!!" He begged, as the tears began to slide down his cheeks.
"I don't want to... but I have to" I told him.
"What about our plans? What about us?" He asked.
"You'll be fine without me" I said as i gave him a long, big hug. I placed one final kiss on his lips. "Goodbye Sal"

And that was the last time I ever saw him....

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