Chapter 28 ~ A Lead

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We talk with the cops some about what happened, and listened to where they think they went.

"We have an idea where they went." One of the officers said, looking down at the pavement, "There are tire tracks on the driveway leading north up his road. But then they start to fade."

We nod and follow the officer toward the house.

"And what really amazes me is the fact that— whoever these people where— they took 4 adults and 3 kids... They must've had many people in that vehicle."

We didn't say anything, we were too in shock to respond.

"But we did find something in this house, follow me." He took us inside and pointed to something on the floor.

It was a paper with directions on it, "This must've been left when they were rushing out, we don't have the smartest of criminals do we?"

Aaron walks towards the paper but the officer stops him.

"Wait a minute, sir. You can't tamper with any of the evidence until our investigation is done here." He holds his arm out to stop him from going any further.

"I'm sorry, but my daughter is out there, with Irene knows who and probably scared out of her mind. I'm not going to stand here and let anything else happen to her." He growls. I nod and go up to him and hold on to his arm.

"I agree. We should be going now to try and find them. They are our first priority." I say.

"Yes, you are right. But let us finish up here. Then we will go and find them. So go home and calm down, we will find them." He shoos us out of the house, but we are still mad.

"When will you all be done?! We want to find them now!" Aaron yells.

"By tomorrow morning. Then we will immediately go to this address." The officer says, and turns back into the house.

I start to get angry, why can't we find them now?! What is it they need to do here anyway?!

I let my emotions take over and my eyes start to tear up and I start to walk away. Aaron must've seen me because he follows and puts his arm around me.

"Don't worry. We'll find them..." he looks around and pulls me to the side, "Tonight, when no one's here... We'll go get them." My eyes widen as I look at him.

"Y-You mean... By ourselves?"

"Yes. Who know what will happen to them if we wait any longer. And I know you are just as upset as I am, so that's why I want to do this..." He moved his hands to mine and held them for a bit.

"Yeah... Alright..." I hold on to his hands tighter, "Let's do it."


It was about 11. And we got ready to leave, but first, we went to get the paper that was on the floor at Katelyn and Travis' house.

Even though it was directions to Their house, we could follow it back to the road to get back to their original place.

We got in the car and looked over the directions, and went on our way.

We didn't want to think of what could happen to Alina, or anyone else. We just wanted to get them back safely and hope nothing too bad has happened....



2 more chapters of this book left! I think this is book is the longest book I've ever written, and I'm kinda proud of it!!

The next chapter will be kinda long because, you know... Some things will happen.. Then the chapter after that will be the end.

Stay tuned!

(P.s - Happy Thanksgiving!)

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