Chapter 13 ~ A Forgotten Plan

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Three loud bangs ring throughout the house. Aphmau gets up and answers the door.

She opens the door and is met with a flash of blue before it zooms past her, into the house.

"Wow, you got here fast.." Aphmau turned around to face the person who just came in.

"Yeah, I wasn't doing anything and as soon as I got your text I just grabbed my stuff and ran since Travis said he won't be at my house for another 30 minutes. Is Aaron here?" Katelyn says. Aphmau closes the door and turns towards her blue haired friend.

"No... He went to work.." Aphmau answers.

"So... Did you tell him?" Katelyn says and helps herself to a bag of chips and dip.

Aphmau shrugs and eats the snack she got out with her.

"Yes.. I did, a few days ago." Aphmau said, and dipped a chip in the salsa.

"Oh? How did it go?" Katelyn took a bite of a chip.

"It went.. Well... He was happy." Aphmau smiled.

"Well, I'm glad. I guess he is trustworthy after all..." Katelyn looks down at the food.

"Tsk... Katelyn.." Aphmau rolled her eyes.

"What? I never said I had any doubts, but... You never know.." Katelyn shrugged.

"Aaron has always been nice to me. I could never image him leaving me over this..." Aphmau places her hand on her stomach.

"Well.. Know that you've told Aaron, and I already know. You should tell everyone else!" Katelyn suggested.

"I know, Katelyn." Aphmau paused, "I should tell them soon."

"Yeah. And can you imagine Kawaii~Chan's reaction?! Haha! It'll be hysterical!" Katelyn laughed. Aphmau joined her. "Let's just hope she doesn't tackle you to the ground in excitement."

"Yeah.. Hehe... That'd be bad." They continued laughing and talking for a few more minutes until Katelyn had to leave.

"Well, I gotta go Aph. Travis is probably waiting on my front porch for me.. I'll see ya later!" Katelyn said as she about left out the door.

"Bye Katelyn!" Aphmau said.

"Oh wait! I almost forgot! Have you gotten the setup down for your wedding?"

Aphmau's eyes widen.

"Oh my Irene..." Aphmau mentally facepalmed herself. "I totally forgot about that!"

"Oh.." Katelyn walked back to Aphmau as she comforted her.

"I was so caught up with the plans and my pregnancy, that I forgot all about that...! Oh my gosh, Katelyn! I'm a horrible wife!!" Aphmau leaned into Katelyn's shirt and cried.

"No no Aphmau... Your not horrible.. You just forgot.. And... That happens sometime.." Katelyn says slowly.

"No! People don't just forget about their weddings! It's like one of the biggest moments of their life! Who forgets about that?!" Katelyn tried to calm her down by brushing through her hair.

"Aphmau, calm down. We'll figure this out."

"What about Aaron!? He probably knew I forgot about it and just decided not to say anything! I'm a horrible person..." Aphmau relaxes a bit as she continues to hug Katelyn.

"I doubt that. He probably forgot to because of everything that has happened! Just remind him when he gets home and everything will go back to normal!" Katelyn reassured.

"B-But, if the wedding does go on.. Then I'll be pregnant during it! I'll look so fat in the dress..!" Aphmau stuffs her face into Katelyn's shirt again.

"Aphmau..." Katelyn sighs. "You won't look fat... You'll just.. Have a bump!" She laughs nervously, trying to. It make the situation worse.

Aphmau looks up at her, fresh tears in her eyes, then cries more.

"I mean—! Ugh.. Aph, I'm sorry I didn't mean—" Katelyn tries to think of something to say, quickly. "You can always hold it off until you have the baby..." Aphmau sniffles.

"But... That'll be a long time... And I don't want to make Aaron wait that long... I know how much he is excited for this..." Aphmau says and calms her crying down.

"Aph, you know how much Aaron cares about you.. And he'll do anything to make you happy. Just tell him you want to hold off the wedding until you give birth!" Katelyn suggests. And Aphmau pauses a moment to think.

"Yeah... Maybe you're right.. Thanks Katelyn.."

"No problem! That's what I'm here for!" Katelyn let's go and walks towards the door.

"Know how am I going to tell everyone...? I have to plan this wedding and I can't with all the—" Aphmau said, but Katelyn stopped her.

"Don't worry, I'll tell them."

"But I feel like I should.." Aphmau continued and Katelyn shook her head.

"Oh, stop your complaining, girly! I'll handle it all! You don't need that building up stress to go up any further. After I tell them, they can come over here to congratulate all they like." Katelyn opens the door and starts to walk out.

"Thanks Katelyn..." Aphmau smiled as she closed the door.

Aphmau put her back to the door Katelyn just left out of and sighed.

What would I ever do without her..? She thought.

Katelyn's POV

I walk up towards my house. I get to my door and get the keys to unlock it. I hear creeks of my porch behind me, signaling, something or someone was following me.

I stop unlocking the door and turn my head, slowly towards the noise. Once I can see whatever that was behind me, I see a peek of white and green.

I sigh. "Ah.. Travis, you scared me.." I say sarcastically.

"Aw man! I hate this stupid, noisy, porch!" He pouts.

I unlock the door and go in, he follows.

"I saw you come from Aphmau's house. What happened?" He asked. I set my keys down on the table next to the door and head to the couch.

"Eh, nothing much..." I then think back to what I told Aphmau. That I would tell everyone about her pregnancy for her.

"Why do you have a stain on your shirt?" He says, and points down to my side where There is a stain, a darker blue than my light blue shirt I have on.

"Oh... Aphmau just had a slight breakdown.. But she's okay." I reassured.

"Oh, what was it about?"

"Uh..." I stop in my tracks and Travis looks over at me, waiting for me to speak more.

"She's..." I feel weird telling him. But... I told her I would. "She's pregnant..." I draw out the last syllable.

"W-What?! Since when?! How!"

"I don't think she wants the details out on how and when she got pregnant. All I said is that I'll tell our friends she is, when I see them."

"Ah, gotcha." He winks and leans back on the couch with me.

As we are watching tv. I see Travis in the corner of my eye, eyeing me down.

I turn towards him, and look at him, confused.

"Are you okay? Do you need something?"

"No! No! Sorry!" He leans further into the couch, in embarrassment.

I smile to myself.

I think I know what he wants.

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