Chapter 19 ~ Expecting

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Lots of restless nights for the new parents.

Every night when the baby cried they would alternate who got to take care of her.

Although, some nights when she cried and it was Aphmau's turn, if she didn't feel like getting up, she would turn over and smack Aaron, and he immediately got the hint.

But they loved little Alina nonetheless.


Aphmau's POV

Surprisingly, we only had to get up once last night to tend to Alina's cries. Which isn't that bad. Normally one of us would get up at least 2 times. And if we're lucky, 3 times.

I get up out of bed, stretch and look over to my side. Aaron is sound asleep. Normally he's the first one up. Probably because he had to get up earlier... I don't blame him.

I take a shower, get dressed, and brush my teeth before I head out of our room. I take a little peek into Alina's room to find her sound asleep in her crib.

A sigh of relief exits my mouth as I close the door and head downstairs.

I go to the cabinet and get out a box of cereal a bowl and milk. I take my breakfast to the table and pull out my phone.

I also get out my werewolf ears, just incase Alina wakes up, so then I can hear her.

I scroll through my phone a bit until I hear some footsteps coming from upstairs. I stop and listen, and find out that Aaron is awake soon after. I then hear him go into Alina's room for a few seconds then walks downstairs.

" 'Morning Aaron!" I say and he glances over at me.

"Good morning, babe." He says and goes for the cabinet with the cereal in it.

"Sorry, I didn't make anything special... Im not exactly a professional like you." I smile.

"Oh, trust me. I know." He chuckles, gets his breakfast and sits next to me.

"You look tired." He looks over to me with tired eyes and raises an eyebrow.

"Hehe! I know! You were up with Alina..."

"She kept me up for an hour and a half! I couldn't get her to sleep!" He says and runs his hand through his hair.

"Aww... I'm sorry. Speaking of Alina, was she awake when you went in there?" I asked.

"Well, She was tossing and turning. She might be up soon." He assured. I nod and clean my dish and patiently wait for our princess to wake up.


"Of course they will like each other! They will be, like, best friends!" Nana exclaimed, as I was bouncing Alina on my knee.

"Yeah... I guess." Katelyn sighs, and puts her hand in her, very pregnant, belly.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. It's just a few... moments of pain, then it will all be worth it! Believe me.." I say and hold Alina closer to my torso.

"Yeah, but I'm having twins.. TWINS Aphmau! I'm gonna have to stay in that pain for awhile..."

"Oh shush Katelyn! As soon as you hear the first cry, your mother instincts will... kick in and all you will want to do is hold them right away." I reassured. And she smiled.

"Yeah... Yeah, this will be fine. It will be fine.."

We talked for awhile more before I saw Aaron pull in our driveway from through Katelyn's window.

"Well, Aaron's home, thanks for letting me over girls!" I say to them. They say goodbye to us as I walk through the door with Alina in my arms.

Katelyn's POV

"Hey... Katelyn...?" Nana said as Aphmau closed the door.

"Yeah?" I turn my head towards her.

"When you have the babies... Im going to have to move out... Aren't I?" She looks at me with a concerned look.

"N-Nana... I.."

"It's ok if I do Katelyn. I know you and Travis would want to live alone and raise them yourself." She looks down.

"Maybe..." I sigh, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly the look on her face turns into a slightly happier one.

"But it's okay! I can't move in with Zane!!"

"Oh.. ummm I guess that's a thing..!" I laugh nervously.

"I'll go ask him now! Bye Katelyn!" She says as she grabs her things and heads out the door.

"Wow.. Ok." I get up, slowly and walk towards the kitchen.

I grab a cup and fill it up with water and take a sip.

I set it down and lean against the counter. I take my phone out of my pocket and look through it.

Travis won't be here for another 2 hours...

I guess I can go finish up their room.

I walk upstairs and go into the room that's filled with baby cribs and other things.

As I got to work on the room I felt kicking in my stomach.

Ouch... You guys really don't like when I do anything active, do you?

But over time as I sit down, the pain starts getting worse.

What the..? What's going on in there?

I try standing to see if it will help.


I just fall right back on the chair.

Something's not right. I should call Aphmau and ask her. She went through this too, right?

I dial her number and put the phone up to my ear.

It rings a few times then stops.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hey Aphmau... Question.. I'm going through a lot of pain right now.. And I can't stand up." I pause and catch my breath. "Is there a reason why...?!"

I hear silence on the other side, then she answers.



"You might want to call Travis." She states.


"You might be going into labor."

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