Chapter 1: Coming home

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(Andriana on the side---->)

Hey! My name is Adriana Lynn Payne, but everyone calls me Andy. I grew up living in a small house with 5 older brothers. Both my parents died in a car crash when I was 5, so my brothers practically raised me. That being said, I grew up a tomboy.

I played sports with my brothers, hung out with guys, and always watched the games on tv. Having no female guidance at all wasn’t easy; imagine how awkward and uncomfortable it was talking about my period and the "sex talk" with my brothers.

Even though some things were hard my brothers did the best they could, and I love them for that.

Being the way I was I only had one best friend, who was naturally a guy. His name was Mason Louis and I knew him ever since I was 2 when he moved down the block from me.

Growing up I was bullied often. I wasn’t the prettiest girl, I had green eyes and long brown hair that I would braid and wear a baseball cap. Since we didn’t have much money growing up I couldn’t afford clothes that were all in style but I didn’t care i loved my faded jeans and my shirts 2 sizes too big.

Something about being a tomboy with no parents made me an easy target to mess with. Mason would always stick up for me but it didn’t stop them, and when my brothers would threaten them they would stop for a little but always start again.

One time some popular boy asked me to formal, but he stood me up. It was just some joke.

But the worse time was when Ryan Ortiz, the most popular kid in school took me out on a date. We were in his car talking and when he tried to do more I told him no. Rejecting him made him angry, cause the next day at school he made all these horrible rumors up about me. He told people I slept with him and begged him for it, just one of many rumors.

Freshman year i was offered a chance to go to school in Paris for two years for free because of my Good grades. I jumped at the opportunity because I couldn’t stand being in this school anymore.

At first my brothers hesitated about sending me away, but I told them I wasn’t happy here. Eventually they let me go.

Fast-forward 2 years.

Here I am 16 years old standing outside my house, bags in each hand.

Let’s say 2 years in Paris did me good.

I filled out. My once flat chest is a size C, and my once invisible curves were now visible. I also gained some fashion sense. A girl name Céline befriended me and took me under her wing. It’s not like I was a total girly girl, I still had my tomboy sense (still can’t walk in a pair of heels to save my life). For instance I was wearing my black high-top converse, high waited denim shorts, and a crop top.

I lifted my black ray bans over my head and sighed, as much as I missed my brothers and Mason it wasn’t worth coming back to this hell hole.

As if my brothers could sense my arrival the front door opened and my 5 brothers poured out of my house, along with a few of their friends.

Michael is my oldest brother he was 27 years old and a fireman. He was the responsible adult.

John was a senior in college, who also was responsible but he wasn’t as uptight as Michael.

Chris was a freshman in college, and he was an insane party animal.

Then the twins Aiden and Alex, they are seniors in high school and big football stars.

Since I was the girl and the baby of the family, my brothers and some of their closest friends always called me Baby. It started out as insult just to bug me and it stuck.

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