The End

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he smiled at the blonde girl who was sleeping in front of him, she looked so innocent and peaceful unlike his she was the night before.

"stop staring at me Noah." He hears her giddy whisper, her eyes still closed

"Oh please I wasn't staring." He laughed nervously, his voice cracking awkwardly but he played it off pretending to cough making a breathless giggle escape her lips.

"yes mr schnapp you were." Grace smiles, opening her eyes allowing him to stare at her ocean eyes, he hadn't seen them in years and now that he finally could it was a whole other feeling

they hear a scoff coming from the couch, looking at an unimpressed Romeo who was stirring a cup of what they thought to be coffee with a spoon.

Noah narrows his eyes at him but he was soon interrupted by aggressive knocks coming from Finn's house's door. They all sat up in alarm, apart from Finn and Millie who where both still unseen.


It had to be him, I mean who else could it be. They all decided to stay quite but the knocking wouldn't stop so grace got up from her comfy position beside Noah and walked up to the door

When she opened it everybody flinched, ready to see his elf ears and hear his annoying voice but when they saw pink hair and emerald eyes their bodies relaxed, but only slightly

It was iris, she looked worried, it was clear from the panicked look on her face that horrible thoughts were racing through her mind but when she saw the girl who opened the door her eyes widened, her mouth partially falling open in awe.

Grace and Iris stared at each other, they both thought their gazes lingered a bit longer than they should have.

"Iris what are you doing here?" Noah asked, coming out of no where behind the girl who iris was interested by. She snapped out of her infatuated stare, her face going back to being worried

"Is millie here? I've been looking for her all night." Iris asks, worriedly brushing her fingers through her pink hair making Noah curious

"When did you two become friends?" He scoffs making her roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Is she here or not, Noah?" She asks in an annoyed tone that Grace (who was standing in front of Noah and who was also still staring at iris) would have taking to offence herself, and most definitely defended Noah, but there was something weird about this girl, something she wanted to find out.

"She's upstairs with Finn. Remember stay away from Finn that's her man." Noah glares as Iris laughs bitterly

"Oh Noah, trust me you don't know anything." Iris smiles in a fake manner, walking into the house. She looked at the interior of the house, shoving her hands in her pockets awkwardly as she looked at all the teens that were suspiciously staring at her, an uncomfortable silence overtook them as iris shoved her hands in her pockets

"I like your hair." Iris heard a sweet voice whisper out, she darted her emerald eyes towards where the sound was coming from and when she saw the same cute, blonde haired girl who answered the door for her she smiled

"Thanks, I love your eyes. I'm Iris, don't think we've met." Iris smiles shaking her delicate hand softly. Grace thought she would be more bold and blunt but there was something about this girl that made her want to make a good first impression

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