For His Sake

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"You" The words curled off his tongue, entering the air, an uncomfortable silence following it. Millie was half asleep just seconds ago but now she was completely awake.

"Are you joking? Is this what you've been wanting to speak to me about sartorious?" She asked, her voice merely above a whisper. She was paralysed in shock just at the fact he barged into her house unwelcome and now he has the nerve to want to get back together with her, when he was the one who cheated on her.

"Yes." He whispered, walking dauntingly close to her, backing her up into a wall.

"Hold the fuck up. First off my answer is no you dumb son of a bitch and second off get out." Millie snarled pushing him by the chest lightly.

"Leave Finn and your friends. Come hang out with me and my friends." He said walking closer once again, putting his hand beside to her head in the living room wall. Anxiety started bubbling in the pit of her stomach

"No. What makes you think I would ever do that?" Millie hissed making his face turn up into an uncomfortable looking smirk, that sent chills of disgust around her petite body.

He removed his hand from the wall, walking over to the couch, sighing a sigh of pure evil.

"See I thought you would say that." Jacob smirked making millie want to knee him right were it hurts

"Yeah, so get out." Millie mumbled, cutting him off. He shook his head laughing lightly

"You didn't let me finish." He said in a hysterical tone, "you see Millie ever since Finn came into this town everything went to shit, so I thought why not remove him from your life." He started off making millie's face drain of all colour possible.

"W-what did you do to him?" She stuttered making him let a creepy smirk take up his ugly face once more. Scenarios were running through her restless mind. Did he kill him? She thought to herself, honestly she wouldn't put it past this psycho

"Oh Mills I didn't do anything to your precious boy, yet. All I did was research." Jacob shrugged making millie only become more bemused

"What do y-you mean?" Millie asked backing herself up into the wall of the room once more, Jacob going closer to her, setting his hands on her hips. She felt extremely uncomfortable but was frozen, awaiting his dreadful answer

"Two words mills." He whispered, getting closer to her face, "Eric Wolfhard." Jacob smirked, making Millie's eyes widen.

Eric wolfhard was Finn's abusive father that his mom and him escaped. Finn had told her about him back in Vancouver three years back.

"How do you know him?" Millie asked, tears stinging her eyes. She was nervous now, not a good nervous, a bad nervous, a completely dreadful nervous were she could hear her heart beating violently, hands shaking

"That's a story for another time." He said, his breath hitting against her face, "I've been talking to him and he said he would be more than happy to kill his little precious family. It's just he needs to know where they escaped to." He said drawing traces of patterns on her forearm, "it would surely be a shame if he found out where Finn and his whore of a mother lived, wouldn't it?" He smirked making a small tear fall from her right eye. She gulped and nodded, "so that's why you're going to leave Finn and your friends alone, if you dare go near them, well let's just say mr wolfhard will be receiving some directions to Finn's front door." He said pulling her closer.

"I-I'll stay away. I'll do anything just don't-dont hurt him." She said. Millie's whole body ached, she craved to just feel Finns soft embraces and touches right now, not have Jacob sartorious breathing against her neck, his hand on her hips. The whole situation was heart wrenching was an understatement, it was tragic and unfair.

"Good, you're mine now, not Finns not anybody else's. You're all mine." He whispered, grabbing her hips tighter, to the point she wanted to yelp in fright and pain. Pulling her closer towards him if it were possible.

Her phone buzzed from the coffee table, making Jacob let go of his iron grip on her waist. He walked over and grabbed it, snarling at what it had to say.

Finn😍: still on for tonight?💓

In reality Finn was going to confess his feelings for Millie tonight at the beach were they first kissed. He was going to finally step out of his comfort zone and ask her to be his girlfriend. God he's wanted to for so long

Millie saw the text, only letting more salty tears of injustice and sadness run down her red, puffy cheeks.

This wasn't fair

"Don't text him that you aren't going, just don't show up, leave him there waiting for you you endlessly, let him suffer." Jacob laughed evilly, handing her the phone, "if you message him I'll know because I'm taking your phone every once a week to check it and make sure, so don't text him unless you want him dead." Jacob explained, cruelly.

"I have to go now to speak to Iris. Don't text him, slut." He said, pulling her in for a forceful kiss, crushing her heart into small, countless pieces. His lips weren't soft or smooth like Finn's, they were chapped and rigid, he kissed her with such force, she couldn't dare respond until he grabbed her hair, slightly pulling it making her groan in pain as he smirked into the kiss. She felt ruined

With that he left, slamming the door behind him. Millie just stood there as silence took over the room. She felt distraught, heartbroken and violated. She looked at her phone as it started ringing, it came up as finn😍 with a dumb picture of him doing a stupid face, even when she was broken he still seemed to make her smile. She was tempted to pick up, to tell him everything, to tell him she lov- cared for him greatly, as more than a friend.

Jacob was taking away her curly haired boy

But she didn't. She couldn't. Him and his mother would be in danger and would have to move away, she couldn't let him go. It sounded selfish, it sounded so unbelievably selfish, believe me she knew, but she just couldn't let him go. She couldn't let Finn wolfhard go

She was doing this for Finn's sake.

So she let it go to voicemail, reluctantly. She grabbed the phone, going to voicemails. Jacob surely wouldn't mind if she listened to his voicemails, she wasn't actually speaking to him, just hearing his soothing, comfortable voice that sent chills down her spine every time she had the pleasure of hearing it.

"Hey Mills, it's uh Finn." He started off in a cheerful voice, "you already knew that, I am so stupid." He whispered, silently scolding himself for being so awkward, making Millie crack a small smile, "Uh um anyway I was just calling to see if you were okay and if you're still on for tonight at the beach, I have to Uh t-tell you something important actually." He chuckled, "I know, I know I sound like a cheesy idiot but I just want to know if you're okay, or if you need anything. I guess that's it, I uh love you, bye." He whispered making millie blush.

Even though she knew he meant the 'I love you' in a friendly way she still thought of it differently. The line soon went dead as she ended the call, a tear rolling down her cheek.

For Finn's sake

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