The Halloween Horror

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"I'm not going to a dumb HighSchool bomb fire, Axel." The blonde huffed, playing with the sharp, silver weapon in her pocket. Although it was a highly dangerous object she always seemed to find it comforting when toying with it, like a coping mechanism.

"Come on Gracie, it could be fun for you." The mow hawked adult reasons. He was also playing with a knife, well more like throwing it into a target on the wall of the warehouse, where she lived with them.

"I never thought I would be saying this but Axel makes a fair point." She heard kali's intimidating voice boom from behind her.

"I'm not going." Grace firmly speaks, rolling her eyes

She really couldn't be bothered to go to some dumbass bomb fire at Maddie Ziegler's lake house.

Why would you go if you know it's going to turn out the same every time. First you were going to get drunk, second you would start dancing and some guy would approach you, third you would wake up in somebody's bed with said guy beside you.

"What happened to you? You always used to go partying when we found you." Mick asks, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke, smoking a cheap cigarette. I always told her to stop smoking, that they'll get her killed, well if she doesn't get killed from all the people she's in debt to first

"You know I had a reason for that." Grace says, an angered expression painting her features.

"Look Grace it's almost been three years, it's time to move on." Axel says, immediately being hit in the arm by Dottie.

"What did you just say?" Grace asks, holding back tears. She was standing up now, her hands stuffed in her leather jacket.

"I said it's time to move on." Axel replies, like it was nothing.

"You can't just fucking tell me to move on! They were my fucking parents you dick!" Grace shouts, walking up to him, he towered over her since she was quite small.

"You know what?! maybe I will go to that party, if it means I don't get to see your stupid run down face." She seethes in anger, clenching her fist in the pocket.

And with that Grace Vanderwaal stormed out of the warehouse, heading to Maddie's lake house. It was Halloween and she wasn't wearing a costume, or maybe she was.

She was dressed as the girl who was rebellious and didn't give a shit when in reality she wasn't like that, she was sweet and kind.

Only three people knew that though.

Two of them being her parents whom she lost in a car accident three years and twenty three days ago.

The other person being that boy she was friendly with, well more like best friends with. She remembers his slicked back brown hair and his hazel eyes.

She missed him.

She would probably pick up some shitty costume on the way there

"Axel you dumbass!" Dottie shouted, punching his chest making him groan.

"What? It made her go didn't it?" He smirks making Dottie stop what she's doing, "I just wanted her to have a good Halloween rather then be stuck with us, a bunch of druggies and criminals." He replies as everybody looks at him shocked, no one knew he was possible of feeling human emotion.

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