The Park

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It had been a couple of hours and she still hadn't showed, answered his calls, texted him. Nothing.

Nevertheless he was still there, at the beach, at eight o'clock at night on a Monday.

He kept trying to tell himself that she was just running a little late, nothing too much just some bad traffic. He tried to convince himself that she still cared about him and this wasn't some stupid game that was going on between them. That he actually had one person that loved him and that he loved too.

Maybe he loves her a bit too much.

"Who am I kidding? She never cared about you." He mumbled to himself. Standing up from the rock- their rock that they had their only kiss on.

Suddenly his phone started to ring, he looked at it, hope now surging through his body until it was completely obliterated when it presented the word "unknown caller ID"

"Hello." He said in annoyance but not too harsh.

"Finn, I need to talk to you." A female voice said through the phone, he immediately knew it was iris. It sounded more serious than usual.

"What iris?" He said harshly

"Look Jacob just broke up with me-"

"I don't care if he broke up with you or not." He said with a voice clear in annoyance, "goodbye."

"No, no Finn it's about Millie I think she's in serious trou-"

And with that he ended the phone call. He didn't mean to be so rude to iris but he was hurt. His whole body felt numb, maybe it was from the freezing conditions or the fact he was a tiny bit heartbroken.



The next day Millie woke up, having to pry her eyes open. She had silently cried herself to sleep last night so her eyes stung immensely to the point that everything came out as a mere blur

She looked in the mirror and saw huge bags underneath her bloodshot eyes, so bad even concealer could not fully cover them. She felt tired and hurt, she felt hurt mentally and physically. Her hand gently brushed against her hips instantly making her Yelp in pure pain. She slowly lifted up her over sized shirt and noticed that her hips were covered in dark red and blue marks.

Did he really press that hard on my waist that he gave me bruises? She thought to herself.

She shrugged it off remembering she was doing this for Finn, she had to be strong for Finn.


He walked into the school, bags underneath his eyes. He hadn't got much to any sleep last night. He was contemplating if Millie simply forgot about their date, or if she just didn't like him. In fact Finn wolfhard would not admit to this but last night he cried himself to sleep, anxiety got the better of him in many ways last night.

"Hey What's u- woah what happened? You look like shit." Noah asked worriedly

"Nothing, I'm j-just sick." He was partially lying but he was also telling the truth, Finn caught a cold last night waiting for her, just another reason to make him feel like complete and utter crap

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