Chapter 9 - A choice

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OK! So this sucks but it's all I got! So first things first let me just say that I know the pool where Carl died wasn't in his school, but in this story, it is just so it makes sense! Ok, I love you! Have fun!!

Warning: Mention of cutting "#" will be put before the paragraph if you are or someone you know is currently cutting or in a state of depression please talk to someone or them! People care about you! Remind them people care about them! ❤️

Silence. Throughout the cab ride and down the halls. Familiar. The walls. The floor. The doors. You pass a staircase memories flood back.

"FREAK!" You hit the floor with a thud. Tears stream down your face as you collect your things.

"Are you ok?" A voice hovers above you. A thick Irish accent. "Ignore them. They are ordinary and can't see genius if it hit them at full speed," you chuckle and pick up your last book. "James Moriarty, but you can call me Jim,"

"(Y/N) (L/N)," you shake his hand.

"Sherlock?" You disturb the silence as your voice echoes in the dark.

"Yes?" He looks down at you.

"I've been here," he stops and looks at you for a second. You scan the lockers and see the number #076 "This is my locker! This is my old school!" you crouch down and your eye catches a particular locker you chuckle.

"What is it?" Sherlock asked. You approach the locker.

"This was the locker of my first crush," you chuckle, "His name was William, forgot his last name, we talked a few times," you sigh at the memory

You didn't know where Jim was so you had no one to help you up. You ran from the lockers and down the staircase avoiding everyone. You pushed open the door, still hearing the shouts chasing you. You look back and see them catching up as you feel your body hit something, more like someone, "I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was-"

"Hey, weirdo! Got you now!" You turn around to see them closing in on you. You get pushed behind the person you bumped into "Leave her alone, Greyson." You slowly back away.

"What you gon' do 'bout it?"

"Not much except tell your dear friend, Blake, that you've been more than likely sleeping with his oh so innocent girlfriend," Greyson's face fumes and turns a dark shade of pink, his arm raises punch swings at his face. You try to warn him but before you could he dodges the punch and Greyson falls to the floor. "Leave her alone,"

"He saved me..." you look up at Sherlock who was stood frozen. "Sherlock? Are you alright?"

"Yes... yes, I'm fine. Come on," you nod and follow him down the hall looking at classroom doors and old lockers. You reach the door of the pool where you remember talking with Jim, hiding from the bullies... Sherlock pushes the door open and walks in slowly "Stay here,"

"What are we doing here?" He ignores you and walks in leaving you with your thoughts. Sherlock starts to talk, you zone out only your thoughts and memories keeping you company. Scanning the hallway, remembering every conversation. You hear another voice come from the pool. "John?!" You whisper very much confused. Your eyes land on something strapped to John, a bomb. Panicking you contemplate whether to go in a do something or stay where Sherlock told you to. You couldn't hear what they were saying only bits and pieces. Quietly opening the door you enter. "John? Sherlock? What's going on?" A figure emerges from the other side of the room.

"Gave you my number..." A known voice fills the silent air. "Thought you might call!" You suddenly realize who it is and spin to see the figure of a man standing behind the door. "Is that a British Army Browning L9A1 in your pocket..." Sherlock reaches down to take the pistol out his pocket. "Or are you just pleased to see me?"

Mental: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now